Chapter 14 ~ moving day ~

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It normally took a few months for a property purchase to be completed but when you were Niran Khornachakim and you had an expert legal team, the waiting time could be cut down to a fraction of that so less than a month later Anurak was ready to move into his new apartment and Niran was willing and able to go with him.

They had been enjoying their last evening meal in Niran's loft apartment and now they were chatting over coffee.

"how is your grandmother anyway, you haven't been to lunch with her for several weeks?" Anurak asked.

"ah, I forgot to mention, she has gone travelling again, this time she is visiting old friends in Europe and I insisted that she leave her valuables at home" Niran said.

"that's good, no disrespect but I would hate for someone else to be accused and go through what I went through" Anurak replied.

"none taken but no disrespect angel, you could have just as easily been guilty" Niran said.

"mmm I guess"

"are you all packed and ready?"

"yes and next week I start a new temporary job, it should be an easy one to get me going again, sales and marketing issues at KJ Advertising"

"Kiri Junphanatat? I know of him, he's a good man and it sounds interesting, you know I meant it when I suggested you could come to work with me" Niran said.

"wouldn't you get sick of seeing me?" Anurak said.

"we've been together for several weeks now and I've been working from home, I'm certainly not sick of seeing you yet" Niran laughed.

"yet being the operative word ... "

"well, while you're working next week, I'll go into my office but I'll still be with you at night" Niran said.

"yes, in my new apartment" Anurak beamed happily.

"which reminds me, my lawyer gave me all the paperwork, your ownership documents and everything, remind me to give them to you later"

"yeah, thank you, it's a shame I never got to meet the owner at the handover" Anurak said.

"mmm ... anyway, I guess we should go to bed, tomorrow will be a busy day" Niran said.

"ok, I'll go and wash up" Anurak replied.

Niran smiled, he was so happy to see Anurak happy, the money that this venture had cost him was nothing compared to seeing his angel happy again and as long as he could be with him he didn't care where he was.

He made sure the apartment was secure before going to wash up himself then they both snuggled down into bed and after a long and passionate kiss they held each other tightly until sleep caught up with them.

It was the following Monday morning and Anurak had gone to the offices of KJ Advertising and attended a meeting where he had met the small team that he would be working with.

One of the guys was an English man called Andrew Boone and it turned out that he was friends with Kiri Junphanatat's husband Kan, not only that but Andrew (who told Anurak to call him Andy) was engaged to Kiri's best friend and business partner Lon Ryou.

The move over the weekend had been effortless, after all it's not as if he had any furniture, just a couple of suitcases and several bags. Niran also had a couple of suitcases so when they arrived at the new suite, they had been met at the gates by security who let them in and then they had driven their cars up to the front of the property.

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