Chapter : 5🥀| Happy or not?

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A time will come in your life when some people will regret, why they treated you wrong...❞

Mehrish Hossain:

I rang the doorbell.

Ding dong.

Mumma opened the door. I saw everyone was sitting in the living room. I entered the house with a sad look.

Though I was grinning internally.

"Mehr, what happened? how was your interview?" Baba asked. Everyone was looking at me with anticipation.

And then I started to do my Oscar-winning performance.

I pinched myself,







And started crying...

"My dear what happened? Why are you crying?" Mumma asked with concern.
"It's okay my princess, you have time. And lots of options and You'll give more interviews in the future don't worry," Baba patted my back and said.

Api and Bhaiya consoled me.

"Khammi (aunt) why aalu clying?" My little Munchkin Farabi came towards me and said.
(Why are you crying?)

And that's it I couldn't control it anymore. And started to laugh hysterically.

Everyone gave me a 'Are you serious?' look.

"What the hell Mehr why are you laughing like a mad woman?" Api said.
"How was my acting?" I said wriggling my brows.
Mumma came towards me and smacked my back.

"Ouchh... Mumma that hurts!" I hissed.
"Well you deserve it for scaring the hell out of us," She said while fake glaring at me.

"Okay now seriously tell us how was your interview?" Fardin bhaiya asked.

I wiped my fake tears and cleared my throat.

"Okay, it was great. And I got the job Alhamdulillah." I said grinningly.

Everyone said Alhamdulillah and congratulated me.

"And also I met someone today," I said.
"Who?" Baba asked.
"Asif uncle. Well, he is my boss though I'm his son's assistant," I said.
"Asif? My Best friend Asif?" Baba asked amused.

"Yes Baba, your best friend Asif. He sent Salam to you and Mamma."
"Walaikum Salam. What a coincidence! But when did he come from abroad?" Baba asked.

"Recently I guess he came from abroad permanently with his family. And also he gave me his number. And told you to call him," I said.
"Of course, I'll call him." He said.

"It's been so long na Hossain since we met Asif bhai?" Mumma said.
"Yes. He went abroad and I focused on my job. Hence, we got busy with our respective lives." He said.

She nodded.

"Mumma... I'm starving give me something to eat," I whined.
"First go upstairs and get freshened up," She said.
"Okay," I said.


I got freshened up.
Ate my lunch while watching Shinchan. [My favorite Cartoon].

Yes I still watch cartoons...😌

Then I lay on my bed after a long day. And decided to call my besties.

I dialed on our trio group. Almost immediately they picked up the call.

"Hello loves," I said.
"Hey pretty ladies," Ayza beamed.
"Hello guys," Laiba said
"Whatcha doin'?" Ayza asked.
"Nothing special Just scrolling insta," Laiba said.

"Guys," I said.
"Yes, Miss Mehrish Hossain What happened?" Ayza asked.
"I've got bad and good news. Which one do you want to hear first?" I said.

"Of course start with the good one," Laiba said.
"Yeah now spill it," Ayza said.
"Okay," I took a deep breath and started to tell them "So I got the job."

"WOW! CONGRATULATIONS!!" They screamed.
"You have to give us a treat," Laiba said.
"Done. But there is a problem."
"Ok tell us," Ayza said.

"I told you about a guy, I bumped into a few days ago," I said.
"Oh that handsome Mr. Jerk of yours," Ayza said.
"Shut up Ayzaaa I'm warning you for the last time," I said in a warning tone.

"Okay okay sorry," she said.
"Accha tell what happened," Laiba said.
"He is my boss," I said nonchalantly.
"WHAT??!" They screamed again.

"Guys calm the hell down either my phone will burst out or I'm gonna be deaf," I said and huffed.
"Accha(Okay) Baba sorry, but that guy is your boss?" Laiba said.
"YES," I said.

"What's his name?" Ayza asked.
"Aarish.. Aarish Yazeed Khan," I felt something while saying his name for the first time.


"His name is nice though..." Ayza said. And I rolled my eyes.
"And one more thing Mr. Jerk's father and my Baba are school-time Best friends," I said.

"Wow Mehr, destiny I see," Ayza said.
I can see her smirk through my phone.
"It's not destiny it's a coincidence, and for God's sake Ayza I'm engaged," I said while frowning my brows.
"But listen I don't know.. it's gonna be awkward to face him every day. He hates me and so do I." I said worryingly.

"It's okay Mehr, If he disrespects you just show him your feisty side okay?" Laiba said.
"Hmm," I hummed.
"Best of luck Mehr," Ayza said.
"Thank you, Okay guys I've to call Radin now and tell him about the Job," I said.
"Okay bye loves," Ayza said.

"Bye, and see ya soon," saying that I cut the call. And dialed Radin's number. He didn't pick up the call at first the line was busy. 'Is he talking to someone' I thought.

Then my phone started to ring. It was Radin.

"Hello," I said.
"Hello," He said.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I was talking to someone. Did you call me for something?" He said.
"Yeah actually I told you about my interview right, and I got the Job," I said grinningly.

"Oh congrats," He said plainly.
" Thanks... Aren't you happy?" I asked confused.
"No I'm happy," he said in monotone.
"Oh," I said.
"Accha Mehrish I have an important call to make. Can I call you later?" he asked.
"Okay," I said gloomily.

After saying bye, he cut the call.

Something is wrong? Somehow I felt like he was ignoring me. Am I making the right decision by choosing him as my life partner? Am I really happy?

Lots of questions came into my mind. Am I overthinking?

That whole day my mood was gloomy. At night I prepared myself saying that 'Allah's plans are better than ours'. And tomorrow is my first day at the office. 'Inshallah, everything will be smooth.' I thought.

After reciting Dua's I drifted into a deep Slumber.


I apologize for the grammatical mistakes...

Plz, do vote and comment. I will highly appreciate it.😇

The next update will be soon🍉
Till then stay safe,
Trust Allah💙


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