Feallings Explored

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Seth pov

Me sasha jey and Mia splited off from the group and head into a cafe for our double date

"So jey was thinking about taking us all to some where to eat" sasha says

I know what's happening so I agreed with her

"Really that very sweet of you jey" Mia says

Jey blushes when mia said that

Me and sasha both giggled about it

Rhea pov

Everyone was splitting up into group so I take alexa hand and we head to a game shop

"Were we were going rhea alexa" asked me

"I am taking us to wear we first met" I smirked

Alexa blushes

"What's wrong my dear you blushing so hard you look like a tomato" I say

"I thought we weren't going to talk about how we met you remember alexa" says

"Ohh so you don't rember when you was a waiter and accidently spilt my food on me cutie pie" I reply witch I met with a blushing alexa

"Shut up rhea" she says

That's it next episode will mainly focus on seth liv zelina and dean then head to get alexa a birthday gift

Thanks to MrAmbrose1

P.s what do you think about a book witch is all about rhea and alexa bliss with canmos from everyone else

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