Alexa Birthday

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No one pov

2 weeks later

Liv seth zelina and dean all headed around and looked around they were locking for some shops but they were lost but a miracle dean saw someone

"Hey sir can you tell us we're we go to the  shops" dean asks

The guy ignores me

"Hey I talking to you" dean said

"Dean that's a lamp and the shops are this way dean" liv says and takes dean to they shops

Menwhile seth and zelina have found some brithday gift

But zelina emerald glowed and she fainted seth caught her and they all went home

Adam who was making the cake with jay sees zelina on the couch Adam runs over to zelina

"Hey is she ok seth what happened" Adam ask

"She just fainted out of nowhere" seth says

Just then zelina wakes up but dosent talks to anyone

Rhea come down stairs holding alexa who is blind folded

"You can take the blind fold of now alexa rhea" says witch she dose

Alexa takes her blind fold off and sees loads of birthdays presents and a birthday cake

"Thank you guys so much" she hugs everyone but gives a kiss on the cheek to rhea witch makes her blush

This is the end of the chapter next episodes will focus on zelina acting a lot differently and Adam and jay go follow her

That's the end of the chapter thanks to my mentor @MrAmbrose1 if it wasn't from him I woudent be right here doing these amazing stories

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