Zelina Problems

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No one pov

Zelina was acting a lot  different

"Hey zelina you OK you were act odd after the party" Adam ask

"I am fine god will you let me be" she replies

Zelina then storms off

Adam pov

I watch as zelina rush off I need to follow her but I need help I turned my head to see dean talking to the tv and liv face playing then jay came in the room

"Hey jey want to help me" I ask

He agreed

Jey approached Adam, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We'll find her, man. Let's go."

The two men set off to search for Zelina, starting with the usual places she liked to go when she needed to cool off. They checked the gym, the catering area, and even the rooftop where she often went to clear her mind. But she was nowhere to be found.

As they searched, Adam confided in Jey about their argument. "I just want what's best for her. She's been acting a different too  lately."

Jey nodded understandingly. "Sometimes, people just need space. But we have to make sure she's okay and anyway at least she not dean ."

Hours passed with no sign of Zelina. They decided to check the shops  the places where no one usually went. It was then that they noticed something strange: a faint green glow coming from one of the storage rooms.

"What's that?" Adam asked, narrowing his eyes.

Jey shrugged. "Let's find out."

They cautiously approached the glow and found Zelina sitting on the floor, staring blankly at an emerald amulet clutched in her hand. Her eyes seemed glazed over, and her usual fiery demeanor was replaced with an eerie calmness.

"Zelina?" Adam called softly, but she didn't respond.

Jey stepped closer, waving a hand in front of her face. "Zelina, can you hear us?"

Still no response

Adam's heart ached seeing Zelina like this. He knelt beside her, gently not relizing the amulet . But he could feal a chill ran down his spine. The emerald seemed to pulse with a dark energy.

"Jey, this isn't normal," Adam said, his voice filled with concern.

Jey nodded. "We need Talk to her, Adam. She needs you."

Taking a deep breath, Adam began to speak from the heart. "Zelina, I know I've been worried about you too much but it's only because I care about you so much. You're the strongest person I know, and I hate seeing you like this. Please, come talk to  me."

He continued, pouring out his feelings, recounting their happiest moments together, and expressing his deepest fears and hopes.

Suddenly, Zelina blinked, her eyes focusing on Adam. "Adam?" she whispered, her voice shaky.

"Yes, it's me," he replied, relief flooding his face. "Are you okay?"

She looked around, confused. "What happened?"

Jey stepped in, smiling. "You had us worried there, Zelina. But it looks like you're OK"

Adam and Zelina embraced, both grateful to have each other. Jey watched with a smile, feeling proud that they had found  their friend.

Later, as they walked back to the house Zelina explained what she remembered. " I just felt I need some space ."

Adam squeezed her hand. "We're just glad you're okay."

Jey nodded. "And next time, just tell us we're your going alright?"

They all laughed, the tension finally easing. The argument seemed trivial now, overshadowed by the bond they had strengthened through their ordeal.

From that day on, Adam and Zelina's relationship grew even stronger. They learned to communicate better, supporting each other through the ups and downs of their friendship . And Jey, ever the loyal friend, stood by their side, ready to help whenever they needed him.

Well that happened what an awesome chapter @MrAmbrose1 go follow him

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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