Chapter Fourteen

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Peter started acting a little differently with you after helping out at the soup kitchen. The first week, you found it really endearing that he wanted to not just be texting, but to actually be with you. You've never had a boyfriend before, but it was really nice to have someone by your side, and it was all going really well until the following Monday morning when the new kid, Harry Osbourne, had transferred from Layla's school. You texted her, asking if he was the same one since she never mentioned his last name, and she confirmed it was. She knew you were dating Peter, but she still warned you to stay away from the 'privileged piece of shit' and you didn't argue with that, especially when Flash Thompson started following him around, kissing his ass at every turn.

"It's not on the market yet," He was telling Flash and the others who were following him down the hall, "And when it is, it'll be old news to me."

"Can I see it?" Flash practically squeaked out as they walked by and you laughed louder than you meant to.

"Sure, buddy," Harry was saying but his eyes were on you as he handed him the phone, "Knock yourself out."

"Wow." You heard Flash breathe out and you shook your head, trying not to laugh again as you opened your locker.

"Hey, I'm Harry." He greeted from behind your door when you shut it, making you jump a bit.

"You get your jollies sneaking up on people like that?" You snapped and he raised his eyebrows, not expecting that response since he had flashed his smile.

"Didn't mean to scare you."

"Yeah, okay." You rolled your eyes, turning to leave, but he put a hand on your shoulder, and you had to physically stop yourself because you wanted to set it on fire.

"I didn't get your name."

"Bye, Harry." You yanked your shoulder out of his hold to walk down the hall just as Peter was coming out of his class, talking to his teacher about an upcoming assignment.

"Hey," He smiled brightly when he spotted you, but he didn't miss your change in demeanor since he saw you before last period, and he eyed the guy down the hall who was still staring after you with a smirk, "Everything uh," He looked to you again, "Everything okay?"

"New guy is a piece of work," You grumbled, and he nodded in agreement, not having met him, but he knew you had a good judge of character, "But I'm fine," You smiled, and he kissed you when leaned in ever so slightly, making you both chuckle a bit, "Wanna get some lunch?"

"Yeah," He took your hand and started walking towards the cafeteria, but not before he glanced over his shoulder at the new kid who was watching you both now with narrowed eyes and a frown, "Let's go."

"My favorite Ned!" You cheered when the two of you reached the table and you waved to MJ who just nodded from behind her book.

"Hey, Y/n," He laughed at your enthusiasm before sliding over his extra bag of chips and you took it gratefully while Peter pouted next to you, "Have a good weekend?"

You smirked to yourself, knowing what he was asking, and dug into your bag before you pulled out a flash drive that had his whole face lit up like the sun itself.

"What is that?" Peter asked with a look of confusion, forgetting the jealousy when you moved the chips closer to share with him, and Ned gasped, snatching it from your hand as you chuckled.

"An unreleased video game," You told him proudly and he took a Dorito from the bag, "So much so, there isn't even a title for it."

"It's like world of warcraft meets Minecraft, but with a hint," Ned's voice went up at the last word as he squinted his eyes, his thumb and forefinger almost touching, "Of Zelda and Smash Brothers."

"No wonder it wasn't released." MJ grumbled and you had to stifle a laugh as Ned gaped at her, clearly offended.

"You just don't know quality gaming." He told her pointedly and she cocked an eyebrow.

"I know a low-quality geek when I see one."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," You put your hands up between them, acting as if they were about to get up and fight, "Michelle. Edward. Please. Let's try to get along," They both huffed and then you shrugged, lowering your hands, "Eh, I wouldn't say no to a fight though, if you guys were down."

"Sit down." Peter scolded with a smile, pulling on your arm.

"MJ has the obvious upper hand with all that pent up rage," You continued as you sat next to him, "But Ned is feisty and I could see him fighting dirty if he had to, so he might surprise me," You sighed, struggling with the choice, "I don't know, it's too hard to say who I'd bet on."

"How'd you even get it?" Ned asked, ignoring your rambling.

"I have connections to the elite."

"Layla?" Peter guessed.

"Yeah, her mom works for the company," You admitted shamefully, "So, on Saturday I went over to her house and-"

"Wait, was that when you told me you were going to the museum with her?" Peter asked lowly, almost thinking out loud, and you cringed guiltily.

"Had a change of plans."

"Could've told me." He whispered, feeling hurt, and Ned was already pulling his laptop out to try the game, so he wasn't really paying attention.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't think there was much of a difference," You told him truthfully, "I was still with Layla, is it really that bad?"

"No," He furrowed his eyebrows, looking down as he took your hand in his, "No, I don't know why I said that. It's no big deal, really."

"Good." You smiled with a nod to yourself, grabbing a fry off Ned's plate with your free hand before pausing when you heard him scoff something sarcastically.

"It's not like you're keeping some double life from me."

But you unfroze when Ned snorted, having heard his friend, and you laughed along with him, pretending to find it ridiculous.

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