Chapter Twenty-Seven

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You shouted her name as soon as you spotted her, making her snap her attention from the conversation she was having with Tony to her daughter who was now running down the hallway towards her. She crouched down slightly with her arms wide to catch you in the hug you lunged at her with. She was chuckling with relief, tears welling in her eyes as she stroked your hair, and she pulled back to give you a glance over.

"Lemme look at you, acushla," She sniffled, scanning you for any injuries with her eyes, and trying to believe after the hell you've both been through that it was really you in her arms again, "You're alright? Have you eaten? Did he...hurt you?"

"I kicked his ass." You smirked and she eyed you for a second, tempted to scold you for your language, but then she smiled, taking you in a hug again.

"Thank you again for keeping my daughter safe, Mr. Stark."

"Tony." He insisted with a gentle smile.

"It was my fault, mom," You turned to face her, and she frowned, "He was after me and I put New York in danger."

"You need to stop blaming yourself for things that are out of your control." She told you firmly and you knew she wasn't just talking about Chris or your powers.

You glanced away, tears pricking at your eyes, and she clicked her tongue before hugging you again. You let your tears fall, staining her jacket, and she kissed the top of your head. You pulled back smiling with tear-stained cheeks and nodded to her, feeling a little embarrassed.

"She did good," Tony told her, and Peter smiled proudly nearby, giving you two some space, "And you can both stick around for as long as you like, Happy'll bring you home whenever you want."

"Thanks, Stark." You smiled gratefully and he smirked before spinning around with one last wave.

"Peter," Your mom's tone was suspect, but she was smiling, and Peter's posture straightened at the sound, becoming a bit nervous before she added, "Would you like to come with us? I'm making crab cakes."

"Fancy." You teased and she scowled with a small smile, swatting the back of your head lightly, making you laugh.

"I'd like that." He told her with a genuine smile, his eyes going to you for only a second before he caught himself and looked back at her.

She noticed though because her eyes were now narrowed, always wary of the boy you have obviously fallen so hard for, and even though she couldn't find a flaw in the brown-haired boy, she was still your overprotective mother.

Peter called his aunt to let her know what was happening and she understood completely, letting him sleepover if he wanted, but you both knew your mom would never be down for that, so he didn't bother mentioning it.

The three of you ate dinner, laughing and talking about anything besides what had happened in the tower or before, in the apartment. You would have to remember to thank Stark for the quick repairs in your apartment because it's only been a few days and you never would've guessed all that happened.

After dinner, you and Peter migrated out onto your fire escape, right outside your room, and swung your legs off the ledge while he sat behind you, keeping you close.

"Big day," You mumbled with a chuckle, leaning back against his chest and he hummed in response, but when you spotted a couple down the block, strolling up the way, you added, "I wonder if they do a lot of travelling."

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before following your eyeline, smiling when he realized who you were talking about.

"I bet they're from someplace else, just popping in to explore New York before they set off to another awesome destination like-"

"Jersey." You finished sarcastically and he laughed.

"I was thinking Spain or maybe...India."

"He looks like that stylist...something Lambert, forget his first name," You thought out loud, "And I wonder what his boyfriend does."

"Professor." He filled in with a random guess and you chuckled, agreeing.

"They know they're cute," You scoffed teasingly as they shared a kiss under the streetlight and you smiled, glancing away, "I feel like I'm intruding – oh my god, Peter," You put a hand over his eyes even though he wasn't looking down there, "Shield your innocent, cinnamon roll eyes! You're too young for this!"

He laughed and you blindly moved your hand down over his mouth, squishing his cheeks gently.

"Can I have my face back?" He asked, his voice slightly muffled.

"This is mine." You told him and missed how he blushed, but you could feel him smiling.

"Wow, they're still going at it."

You quickly leaned forward a bit to check and huffed when you realized they weren't, making Peter laugh.

"Liar." You grumbled.

"Pervert." He smirked and you smacked the arm that was draped over you.

"So, how do you explain to Ned when you've missed school for Spiderman tings?" You smiled when he laughed, "Because him and MJ are pissed, mostly about rehearsals. The texts have only gotten angrier."

"They kinda both know I'm Spiderman." He grimaced and you scoffed.

"Unbelievable, curly!" You pretended to be upset, "Making me look like a damn fool! A damn fool, I say!"

"I'm sorry, bubs, but you didn't know me then." He smirked and you laughed at the nickname, shaking your head.

"A changed man or spider, who's to say?"

"It's freezing out here," He rubbed his arms and you thought for a minute, "I'm gonna go get us a blanket."

"I'm fine." You shrugged proudly and he scowled.

"You're a human heater, of course you're fine, but some of us are-"

"Weak?" You teased and he grumbled.

"Yeah, yeah, okay," He lifted you off him with ease, but almost fell back when you climbed on him like a koala, "I'll be back in a minute!"

He was laughing, but you didn't let go, and he blushed a bit as he put his hands on you, getting a better grip so you didn't slip off.

"So fluffy." You mumbled to yourself, feeling his curls, but you were so close that he definitely heard you.

"This one good?" He asked, lifting a smaller blanket from the bottom of your bed up, and when you turned in his arms to look, you went too far back and fell on the bed instead.

You were laughing as he got dragged down with you and he was smiling like a goof.

"You dropped me!" You tried to sound mad, but you couldn't stop giggling as he peppered kisses all along your neck and you gripped his sleeves as his arms went around you.

"Not my fault you're clingy, sweetheart," He whispered against your skin and you inhaled sharply, "Does give me the perfect excuse though."

"Yeah?" You smirked and he pulled back to look at you as you bit your lip, "To do what exactly?"

"I have a few ideas."

"Care to share with the class, Mr. Parker?" You challenged and his eyes visibly darkened at your tone, but before he could sputter out a response, you could see him growing nervous, you pulled him in for a proper kiss.

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