Chapter 13 - The confession

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"I do remember hearing something that sounded like, I don't know. . . A confession?" Will smiled, obviously just teasing Mike at this point.

"You- You heard- I- What the fuck." Mike stammered.

Will let out a small giggle and shook his head.

"You do realize I'm not gonna judge you, right? I mean, I've already told you that I'm gay, so if you wanna tell me anything then I'd listen." Will told him.

". . .I don't know what I am." Mike murmured, seeming slightly ashamed as he spoke.

"What are you feeling? I'm sure I can help you try and understand." Will asked, his voice now soft and not teasing anymore.

"I mean, I- I like El, I do. . ." Mike began, Will's face falling slightly, "But when I'm- when I'm around you. . . God, I don't even know. It's like- I've never felt this way before. Like, ever." Mike admitted.

"I don't like it. I don't like it at all. I'm not used to feeling like this and I think that's why I was so rude to you whenever I woke up, I was just- I was scared." Mike told him, "I was scared because I've never felt like this and it was- it was weird. I mean, I'm so used to being head over heels for girls but then I met you and it was like everything just changed." Mike rambled on.

"I just- I like you. I really like you and I don't know what to do." Mike told him, Will smiling softly at him.

"I like you too." Will smiled, his voice soft.

"Seriously?" Mike smiled, all of his nerves now gone, "Holy shit!" He grinned.

"Hold on. Before you get too excited I think you're forgetting about something. My sister really likes you, Mike. And I do not want you breaking her heart." Will interrupted.

"If you wanna get together, or do whatever you wanna do with me, then you need to talk to her." Will told him, Mike pausing.

"I- I don't wanna break her heart. . ." Mike murmured.

"Well, I'm sorry but you're gonna have to do something. I don't mind up you picking her over me if that's what you really want, but you need to decide." Will told him, Mike nodding and giving him a weak smile.

"Yeah. . . Yeah, that's fine, just- just give me a bit." Mike nodded.

"Okay. Come to me whenever you're ready." Will nodded, Mike giving him a quick smile before hurrying out of his room.

He quickly returned back to his own room to see Lucas and Dustin sat down, both of them evidently incredibly bored.

"You look weird. . ." Lucas frowned as he saw Mike walk over to them, "What happened? He yell at you or anything?" Lucas asked him.

"No, no he was quite nice actually." Mike shook his head, only making Lucas frown even more.

"Then what's the big deal? You like him, he doesn't hate you, you're getting somewhere." Lucas shrugged, "Anyway, just tell me what happened." He sighed.

"Well, I went in and he was obviously a bit mad at first, but I apologized and stuff and everything was fine. Then he was fucking teasing me cos he heard my whole confession in here and he knew why I was coming into his room." Mike scowled, Dustin giggling at Mike's now bright red face.

"That was kinda it really, anyway, I have some good and bad news. What do you wanna hear first?" Mike sighed.

"Oh, bad news first, always." Dustin scoffed.

"Um. . . I might need to like, kinda cancel everything that was going on with El. It's gonna break her heart, I mean, she really likes me. She actually told me herself." Mike sighed.

"Oh. . . Wh- Well what's the good news?" Lucas frowned.

". . .Will likes me." Mike told them, a huge grin forming on both of their faces.

"Holy shit!" Lucas grinned, immediately getting up and giving Mike a huge hug, Mike letting out a small whine and trying to wriggle out of Lucas's grip.

"Ugh, stop it!" Mike scowled, becoming incredibly embarrassed.

"Dude, this is so good! You could get together with him, ooh, me and Dustin could set you two up!" Lucas grinned.

"You are getting so ahead of yourself! Are you forgetting the whole 'I need to break things off with El' part?" Mike scowled.

". . .Oh yeah, I forgot." Lucas sighed.

They all sat there in silence, Dustin letting out a small sigh and turning to Mike.

"Why don't you call her?" Dustin suggested, Mike looking up at him and just giving him a weird look.

"I'm nervous!" He frowned, "It's been like, a few days! I can't just be like, 'Hey, so I actually realized that I'm gay and I'm in love with your best friend! Sorry!' Can I?" Mike scowled.

"Dude, she's super sweet, just be nice about it and things might go well." Dustin sighed.

". . .Fine." Mike scowled.

He grabbed his phone and called El, nervously waiting for a response.

"Hi!" An excited voice came through the phone, guilt already eating up at Mike as he heard how excited she was.

"Hi. . ."

{Word Count: 856}

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