A soldier always needs a break 

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The drop ships landed smoothly in the Leviathan's hangar, the metallic clang of their touchdown reverberating through the vast chamber. The Hellspawn disembarked, their armor covered in scorch marks and alien blood, but their spirits high. They had accomplished their mission and struck a significant blow against their enemies.

Nitty led the way to the debriefing room, his mind already racing with the implications of the data they had retrieved. He glanced at his team, noting the weariness in their eyes despite their triumphant expressions. They needed a break, and they had earned it.

"Good work, everyone," Nitty said as they gathered around the debriefing table. "We've dealt a serious blow to the enemy, but there's still a long road ahead. Take some time to rest and recover. We'll review the data and plan our next move."

Rhea slumped into a chair, her fiery energy momentarily spent. "I could use a long shower and a nap," she admitted with a tired grin.

Dex chuckled, dropping his heavy plasma cannon onto the table with a satisfying thud. "I'm with you on that, Rhea. A good meal wouldn't hurt either."

Kai simply nodded, his usual stoic demeanor unchanged. He was already half-turned towards the door, ready to retreat to his own space.

As the team dispersed, each heading to their quarters, the Leviathan seemed to hum with a quieter, more relaxed energy. They had earned this moment of respite.

Nitty's Quarters

Nitty's quarters were sparse, reflecting his no-nonsense personality. A small bunk, a desk cluttered with tactical reports, and a holo-screen were the only furnishings. He stepped inside, the door sliding shut behind him with a soft hiss. He removed his helmet, running a hand through his short-cropped hair, and let out a weary sigh.

He sat at his desk, pulling up the mission data on the holo-screen. The room was silent except for the faint hum of the ship's engines and the occasional beep from the console. Despite his exhaustion, Nitty's mind was already planning their next move, analyzing the information they had retrieved.

A soft chime interrupted his thoughts. It was a message from command. Nitty sighed, opening the message. "Another briefing," he muttered to himself. "It never ends."

Rhea's Quarters

Rhea's quarters were a stark contrast to Nitty's. Her room was a chaotic mix of personal mementos, half-disassembled gadgets, and holo-posters of various explosive devices. She dropped her gear in a corner and headed straight for the shower. The hot water cascaded over her, washing away the grime and tension of the mission.

"Ah, that's better," she sighed, leaning against the wall as the water ran over her.

After her shower, she flopped onto her bed, staring at the ceiling. Her mind buzzed with ideas for new explosive designs. She reached over to her nightstand, grabbing a small, half-finished device.

"Maybe if I adjust the thermal regulator..." she muttered to herself, tinkering with the gadget. Despite her exhaustion, her curiosity and passion for explosives kept her awake a little longer.

Dex's Quarters

Dex's quarters were a blend of functionality and personal flair. Posters of ancient Terra rock bands adorned the walls, and a weight bench occupied one corner of the room. He set his plasma cannon down gently, almost reverently, before stripping off his armor.

He grabbed a protein shake from a mini-fridge and sat on his bed, sipping slowly. The thrum of the ship was a comforting backdrop as he unwound, muscles still taut from the adrenaline of battle. He picked up a holo-book, but after a few pages, he gave in to the pull of sleep.

"Man, I need this," he said to himself, stretching out and feeling his muscles relax. "Nothing like a good mission to work up an appetite."

Dex took another sip of his shake and then set it aside, reclining on his bed. "Tomorrow, maybe I'll hit the weights. Get back into the groove."

Kai's Quarters

Kai's quarters were minimalist and meticulously organized. Everything had its place, from his twin energy blades mounted on the wall to the neat stack of meditation manuals on his desk. He entered silently, closing the door behind him without a sound.

He changed into loose, comfortable clothing and settled onto a mat on the floor. Closing his eyes, he began his post-mission meditation, focusing on his breathing and letting the tension drain from his body. The room was peaceful, a stark contrast to the chaos they had just left behind.

"Focus... breathe in... breathe out..." Kai whispered to himself, his voice barely audible in the stillness of the room.

The silence was interrupted by a soft knock on his door. Kai opened his eyes and stood up, moving to answer it. Rhea stood there, looking slightly sheepish.

"Hey, Kai. Got a minute?" she asked.

Kai nodded. "Of course. What do you need?"

Rhea held up the half-finished device she had been working on. "I need a second opinion on this. I think I've got the regulator right, but I'm not sure."

Kai smiled faintly. "Let's take a look."

They sat on the floor together, Kai examining the device carefully. "You did a good job," he said after a moment. "Just a minor adjustment here, and it should work perfectly."

"Thanks, Kai," Rhea said, grinning. "I knew I could count on you."

As each member of the Hellspawn settled into their routines, the Leviathan sailed through the void, a bastion of humanity's resilience and determination. They had struck a blow against their enemies today, but tomorrow would bring new challenges.                 (hey everyone, Granit movie here. Hope you enjoyed the story👍👍)

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