Mission council we have to go to earth

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(Hey everyone, Granit muli here also I forgot to add the characters and their photos and weapons so this is will be a demonstration but first I'm gonna check some photos and some weapons for the team. Just hold your seats. Everyone get popcorn and hold your chainsaw and enjoy the show and humanities theme song

And God protects us and humanity)                                                  The Hellspawn reconvened in the command briefing room, a cavernous space filled with holographic displays and tactical maps. Nitty stood at the head of the table, his helmet resting beside him. The others filed in, looking refreshed and ready for their next mission.

"Good morning, Hellspawn," Nitty began, his voice firm and steady. "We've analyzed the data from Vokar-9, and we've uncovered some critical intel. The aliens have another facility, much larger and more heavily fortified. Our mission is to infiltrate, gather intelligence, and if possible, dismantle their operations."

A holographic map of the new target appeared in the center of the table, rotating slowly to reveal its complex layout. The facility was situated in a dense forest, surrounded by towering trees and hidden from aerial surveillance.

"Rhea, you'll handle the demolition again," Nitty continued. "Dex, you'll provide heavy support as usual. Kai, you'll take point on recon and ensure we avoid detection as long as possible."

Rhea leaned forward, studying the map. "What kind of security are we looking at?"

"Automated defenses, patrols, and high-level biometric locks," Nitty replied. "It's going to be tough, but we've faced worse."

Dex grinned, cracking his knuckles. "Sounds like fun. When do we start?"

" in a couple hours Nitty said. "Gear up and meet at the center again times skip Nitty approached, helmet in hand, ready to give the final pep talk before deployment. But a sudden notification on his wrist communicator interrupted him. He frowned, reading the urgent message flashing on the screen.

"Change of plans, Hellspawn," Nitty announced, raising his voice to catch everyone's attention. "We're heading back to Earth. Command wants a face-to-face briefing with the higher-ups."

Rhea arched an eyebrow. "Higher-ups? Must be serious if they're pulling us off a mission."

Dex nodded, his expression turning serious. "Last time we had to go to Earth, it was about the alien invasion on Titan. This can't be good."

Kai remained silent, though his sharp eyes betrayed his curiosity. He sheathed his energy blades and fell into step as the team prepared to board the larger transport ship, the Goliath, which would take them back to Earth.

Goliath Transport Ship - En Route to Earth

The journey back to Earth was swift, the advanced propulsion systems of the Goliath cutting through space with ease. The Hellspawn sat in the command cabin, the familiar hum of the ship providing a backdrop to their discussions.

"So what do you think this is about?" Rhea asked, her fingers tapping nervously on the armrest of her seat.

Nitty shook his head. "No idea. But if they're recalling us, it's something big. We'll find out soon enough."

Kai, always the observant one, leaned forward. "Whatever it is, we need to be prepared. Higher-ups don't usually call us in for casual conversations."

Dex chuckled. "Yeah, it's never 'Hey, Hellspawn, how's the weather?' It's more like 'Here's a new threat, go handle it.'"

Nitty smirked. "Stay sharp, everyone. We'll know more once we get there."

Earth - Terra Prime Headquarters

The Goliath touched down in the massive landing bay of Terra Prime Headquarters, the central hub of Earth's military operations. The Hellspawn disembarked, their presence commanding respect and attention from the personnel around them. They made their way through the bustling corridors, eventually arriving at the high-security briefing room.

Inside, a group of high-ranking officials awaited them, including General Aria Valen, the head of Earth's Defense Force. She stood as they entered, her gaze sharp and commanding.

"Hellspawn, thank you for coming on such short notice," General Valen began. "We've reviewed the data you retrieved from Vokar-9, and it has revealed a threat far greater than we anticipated."

A holographic display sprang to life, showing images of massive alien fleets and fortified structures scattered across various planets.

"The alien forces are mobilizing," General Valen continued. "They're preparing for a large-scale invasion, targeting key human colonies and Earth itself. We need to strike preemptively, disrupt their operations, and prevent their advance."

Nitty nodded, absorbing the information. "What's our role in this?"

"You will lead a series of coordinated strikes against their primary command centers," Valen said. "Your first target is a fortified base on the outskirts of the Proxima Centauri system. It's heavily defended, but if we take it out, we can cripple their command structure and buy ourselves valuable time."

Rhea's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Sounds like a challenge. When do we start?"

"Immediately," Valen replied. "Time is of the essence. We're counting on you, Hellspawn. Humanity's survival depends on your success."

Nitty looked at his team, their resolve mirrored in his own eyes. "We won't let you down, General. Hellspawn, gear up. We have a new mission."

As they left the briefing room, the weight of their task settled over them. The stakes were higher than ever, but the Hellspawn were ready. They had faced impossible odds before and emerged victorious. This time would be no different.

"Let's show them what humanity is made of," Nitty said, his voice filled with determination.

The Hellspawn moved with purpose, their minds focused and their spirits unwavering. The battle for humanity's future was about to begin, and they were ready to lead the charge.

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