From the dream past

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Play this song if it's really really well

Nitty collapsed onto his bunk, the fatigue of the recent mission finally catching up to him. The ship hummed softly around him, a lullaby of metal and machinery that belied the chaos they had just escaped. His muscles ached, and his mind was a whirlwind of adrenaline-fueled memories, but he welcomed the exhaustion as it promised a brief respite from the relentless war. As his eyes closed, he drifted into a sleep deeper than any he'd had in weeks, and with it came a vision—vivid, chaotic, and disturbingly real.

In the vision, Nitty stood alone on a barren, windswept plain, the sky above him a swirling maelstrom of dark clouds. His armor, pitted and scarred from countless battles, glinted dully in the dim light. A black cape, frayed and battle-worn, billowed behind him, adding to his formidable silhouette. The ground beneath his feet was cracked and lifeless, stained with the blood of fallen enemies. He felt a familiar weight settle in his hands—a shotgun, an energy rifle, and a heavy sniper rifle, each a trusted companion in the dance of death he knew so well.

The scene shifted, and Nitty found himself aboard a colossal spaceship, its interior a labyrinth of steel and shadows. The air thrummed with the energy of war preparations, a constant reminder of the battles yet to come. From the shadows emerged a Restmite builder, its towering frame a testament to its role in the creation and repair of war machines. Its voice, cold and devoid of emotion, echoed through the corridor.

"Nitty, I know."

The robot handed him the weapons without further explanation, and Nitty took them with a nod, feeling their familiar weight. He stepped into a teleporter, the beam of light enveloping him in a blinding flash. When the light receded, he was no longer aboard the ship but standing on the surface of an alien planet.

He emerged from the teleporter with a roar, his chainsaw sword in one hand and a shotgun in the other. His black cape snapped in the wind like a banner of death. The alien landscape around him was a twisted nightmare, teeming with grotesque creatures that hissed and snarled as they closed in on him. He didn't hesitate; his shotgun roared to life, each blast sending aliens exploding in showers of green blood and gore. The air was thick with the acrid stench of burning flesh.

Switching to his chainsaw sword, Nitty became a whirlwind of destruction. The blade roared and hummed as it tore through alien flesh and bone, each glory kill a testament to his ferocity. Heads were ripped from shoulders, limbs severed with brutal efficiency, and skulls crushed under the relentless assault of his armored boots. The battlefield was a symphony of violence, each kill a note in the bloody requiem of war.

He moved with fluid precision, transitioning to his heavy sniper rifle. Each shot was a death sentence, the bullets punching through multiple enemies with unerring accuracy. He never stopped moving, a blur of lethal intent and unstoppable fury. His actions were seamless, each movement blending into the next as he continued his grim task.

The vision shifted again, and Nitty found himself deep within the heart of an alien fortress. The corridors were a maze of twisting passages, the walls pulsating with a sickly, green light. He hefted a minigun, the barrels spinning to life with a deafening roar. Bullets sprayed in a relentless torrent, shredding aliens into bloody ribbons. The walls and floors were soon slick with the remnants of his foes, the air heavy with the scent of death and destruction.

Room by room, he carved a path of annihilation. He entered a massive chamber filled with alien machinery and spotted a towering mech suit. An idea sparked in his mind, and he climbed into the mech, the systems coming to life with a throaty hum. The mech's weapons unleashed a storm of chaos, rockets and plasma blasts tearing through alien ranks with explosive fury. Each explosion rocked the fortress, sending shockwaves through the structure and scattering the enemy forces.

When the mech's power began to wane, Nitty ejected, landing with his grappling hook. He swung through the air, firing his energy rifle with deadly precision. Each shot found its mark, alien bodies falling in rapid succession. He landed amidst a cluster of enemies, his chainsaw sword revving as he tore through them with relentless fury. Blood sprayed in all directions as he ripped and shredded his way forward, the ground beneath him becoming a slick carpet of carnage.

Nitty pressed on, driven by an unquenchable thirst for vengeance. He reached the heart of the fortress, where the alien leader awaited. The leader, a towering figure clad in ornate armor and bristling with weapons, stood ready for the confrontation. They clashed in a battle that shook the very foundations of the fortress. Blades met with a deafening clash, energy blasts sizzled through the air, and the ground quaked beneath their feet.

Nitty fought with every ounce of strength, his attacks a relentless barrage of fury and precision. He parried the leader's strikes, countering with devastating blows that sent the alien reeling. Each hit was a calculated strike, each movement a dance of death. With a final, mighty swing, he cleaved through the leader's armor, splitting it open in a shower of sparks and blood. The alien leader fell, its body convulsing in its death throes, its life force draining away in a pool of dark ichor.

Nitty jolted awake, his heart pounding and his body drenched in sweat. The vision had been so vivid, so real, that it left him breathless. He lay there for a moment, staring at the ceiling of the ship, the echoes of his dream still reverberating in his mind. He could still feel the weight of the weapons in his hands, the sensation of alien blood on his skin, the sound of their dying screams ringing in his ears.

He sat up, the weight of the dream settling over him. It had been a reminder of who he was, what he was capable of, and the battles yet to come. The vividness of the vision was a stark reminder that the war was far from over. As long as he had breath in his body and fire in his heart, he would continue to fight. Each battle was a step closer to victory, each kill a testament to his unyielding resolve.

For he was a Hellspawn, a defender of Earth, and nothing would stand in his way. The dream had been a glimpse into the chaos that awaited, a taste of the relentless violence that defined his existence. But it also solidified his purpose, rekindling the fierce determination that burned within him. He was a warrior, forged in the fires of battle, and he would not rest until the alien threat was eradicated.

Nitty stood, his body still thrumming with the aftershocks of the vision. He looked around his spartan quarters, feeling the weight of the mission yet to come. With a deep breath, he steeled himself for the days ahead. The fight was far from over, but he was ready. For he was a Hellspawn, and the battle was his to win.                                                                         (hey everyone, Granit Muli I hope you enjoy the story. The video is inspiration of doom the dark age the new doom game. I'm really excited for the game. I hope you enjoy the story.)

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