The Bumping File

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Ugh! Sometimes Ollie is so annoying! He poured a bucket of water on me when we were hanging out! Ollie, Kayla, Maxine, and I, were all peacefully hanging out, when Ollie, being the nuisance he is, decided it was funny to pour water on me!

Annoying, right?

I swore revenge on him and now I'm heading to my dorm to change. Oh wait, I'm sopping all over the floor! I hope Miri doesn't catch me! I speed up, practically sprinting through the hall.

Surprisingly, Miri doesn't catch me. Huh. I really thought she would.

I turn a corner and bump into someone. Oops, I think I was running too fast. The force is so big that I stumble back and then go plummeting towards the ground. The person I bump into catches me right as I was about to hit the floor.

My brows crease as I stare at the floor, only inches away from it. Slowly, I turn my head upwards to see my best friend, Jax. Of course it's Jax. It's always Jax. Who else would it be?

I'm not surprised, but my eyes still widen. So do his. I stare at his unusual, violet eyes for a moment, and calm down. I don't need to run! I should just ride Blue to my window! Yeah!

I break eye contact and spot the nearest exit. There! I'll just call Blue and ride up! This is why you should have a friend with violet eyes. Although, that's probably unlikely. I mean, there aren't that many people with violet eyes. I got lucky.

Wait, that doesn't make any sense! Violet doesn't make you think! I look, once more, to his eyes. Oh! Violet is a soft and calming colour, which help a person rebalance themselves and use their brain. That's why, when I see his eyes, I start thinking properly! I should look at those more often. I'll become a genius!

I realize that I've been in Jax's arms this whole time. I scramble up to see people staring. Jax smirks. "Running in the hallway, are you? Such a bad child." I roll my eyes.

"Wait, why are you wet?" he asks. "Ollie," I answer.

"Makes sense," he says reasonably, wiping his, now wet, hands on his pants. "Well, this has been nice, but I have to go clean up."

"Taking Blue?" he questions. I nod in response. We both start walking in opposite directions, and bump into each other again. We both switch sides at the same time and, guess what? We bump again.

This happens a couple more times before Jax starts talking.

"Okay, I'll go this way, and you go that way." I nod with understanding and follow his directions. Victory! We have successfully gotten past each other. I look back at him and see him look back at the same time.

He winks. Of course he does. I roll my eyes and continue walking, being careful not to bump into anyone else.

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