The Carrying File

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Me, Jax, and Jocelyn are hanging out. Yup. Me, Jax, and Jocelyn. Weird trio.

Jocelyn is lying down on a picnic table, and Jax and I are on the benches beside it. "I'm so bored!" Jocelyn drawls. "What do we do?" She's right. We have nothing to do. My head is down on the picnic table, and Jax is staring up at the sky.

"How did this," I gesture to us. "Even happen?"

"Ollie's on a trip with Blackbeard, Kayla's in class, AG has some royal ball to go to with her parents, Maxine has an RLW meeting, which, for some reason, you didn't go to, Hayley... doesn't come to FTRS anymore, and Jack, blegh, is helping Erp with something," Jax recites.

Jocelyn sighs. "But what do we do?"

"Be crazy," I respond. Jocelyn sits up. "Ooh, let's do that."

"Oh grimm," Jax sighs. "At this point, I don't even know how you guys are my friends."

"Don't even, Jax. You and I both know that you're crazy too, if not crazier," Jocelyn snaps. "I mean, you've jumped off a window sill, gone undercover, almost died, heck! You've almost died twice!"

Jax sighs again. "Yeah, sure, I'm crazy, but in a different way! Definitely not like you and Gilly!"

"I beg to differ," I say. He rolls his eyes, gets up, leans on a tree, and crosses his arms. Jocelyn and I share an annoyed look. I stand on the picnic table and start doing a dance Kayla taught me. Jocelyn plays the music with magic.

At the end of the dance, I jump off the picnic table. When I'm mid-air, Jocelyn sticks her foot out and I trip on it. I tumble to the ground, and land on my ankle. And then, I scream. Very loud. I think all of Enchantasia can hear me!

As usual, Jax's face turns concerned, and he rushes to help me. "Fiddlesticks! Why Jocelyn, why?" I say angrily. I turn to glare at her, and she smirks back. Oh, I'll kill her later.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jax glower at her with fire in his eyes. She raises an eyebrow. "Jeez, touchy, touchy." Jax shoots her one last look and turns to me. "Okay, I'm taking you to the infirmary. We're going to go slow." He slings one of my arms around his shoulders and holds my other hand.

He takes one step and I follow. I also scream, "Oh my goblins! Holy harpies! For the love of grimm! Ouch, ow, ouch, ow, ouch, ow!" His eyes widen and he looks at me with worry. "Gilly... you can't walk."

Oh no. "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?" I know the answer, but don't want it to be true. "Well... I'm kinda going to... have to... carry you." I groan.

"I'll walk," I say briskly. He raises an eyebrow. "You really think that I'm gonna let you walk?" I sigh. "Let's get this over with."

Guess what happens next, Jax carries me. Bridal style. Oh my grimm. I'm not bothered by the fact that Jax is carrying me, I'm bothered by the fact that this is definitely going to spread rumors.

Big ones.

Turns out, I'm right. We pass through a hall and I spot a group of kids talking animatedly. Please stay like that! Nope. Of course it doesn't stay like that. As soon as they see us, the hall goes so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. That's when the whispering starts.

I only catch a few words, like "Jax... Gilly... dating... secret", but that's enough to give me a good idea of what they're talking about. I turn red. Jax assesses the situation. "Guys, she just got hurt, and she can't walk. Don't go thinking anything." They obviously don't listen to him because they start giggling after that.

The walk to the infirmary seems to last for hours. The whole thing is suspensful and tension-filled. At long last, we finally get to our destination. Jax lays me down on the bed and calls the new nurse. The old one is still here, but she's on vacation.

After a bit of a checkup, the nurse says, "Nothing too big. Just a little sprain. You'll be up and running soon." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Just a sprain. Jax seems to calm down too.

"Well thief, I've got a class to go to, but call me if you need anything," he says, holding up the glass slipper heel I didn't know he still had. "I don't have one," I say.

"I know," he replies. "That's why I'm giving you this." Jax places another heel onto the bed. Then he walks out of the room.

--------TIME SKIP--------

"Jax! Gilly!" Ollie calls.

"What?" I answer.

"You never told me you were dating!" he says, holding up today's HEAS. "What?" I shriek. Jax and I scan the paper. It says that Jax was seen carrying me yesterday, proving their theory that we're dating!

"Holy harpies!" Jax yells. "Okay, first things first, Ollie, we're not dating."

"But-" Ollie starts. Jax cuts him off. "Don't belive everything you read." Jax turns to me. 

"It's going to be a pain explaining this to everyone."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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