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Since the day I damn near became a single mom things had changed greatly. Jax is very helpful when he can be.

he will help me keep from being overworked, overwhelmed, & stressed. he and I both talk to Abel telling him how much we love him and how we can't wait to meet him but we don't want him to come out too early and have to stay for a long period of time in the hospital. & that when he comes that he will not leave us.

Jax had even sat up and decorated the nursery which I had helped when he would allow me to which with him being careful and cautious wasn't very much so I can't take any credit.

As my pregnancy got closer to being done I took maternity leave and became a homebody so if anything was to happen at the club like a cop raid or some shit I'd not be in the cross fire.

Pops told Jax since things are calm that if he is really needed he'll call him. so that way Jax can be with me just in case I go into labor.

which with me now being eight in half months pregnant I have a feeling Abel will be coming shorty.

"Jax hunny did we put the over night bag in the truck?" I asked

he came over to me a bit worried.

"he's not coming I just want it to be one less thing to worry about" I say

"Oh. well yeah, I put it in there when we were planning everything out" he says taking a seat close to me.

I pecked his lips.

"thank you" I say

he smiled before kissing me.

"no...thank you for carrying my son and damn near slapping common sense into me as well as putting the fear of losing you and Abel in me" he says

I nodded my head before I laid my head on his shoulder once he sat back.

we sat there in comfortable silence before Abel decided he was done being in my womb and wanted to come out.

I screamed out and doubled over in pain before Jax shot up scooped me up and rushed off to the truck grabbing my purse and the truck keys along the way before he hurried and put in my the truck then ran to lock the house and came rushing back, jumped in the driver seat and hauled ass to the hospital.

it seemed like I hardly had enough time to get changed into  the hospital gown before they rushed me off to the OR with Jax rushing with them. they had him scrub in and get gowned up before allowing him to come in.

once Abel was born they rushed him to a different OR while sticking me up.

"Please baby boy don't leave us" I whispered aloud.

Once I was put back on the room I previously was at I sat there damn near wearing my lip and fingers out awaiting news on Abel.

Jax was sitting next to me with his arm around me and his lips pressed against my head as we both soundlessly cried thinking the worse.

when the door opened and we saw a nurse wheeling in a cot we both straighten up.

"here is your son" the nurse says as she ever so carefully picked Abel up and handed him to me.

"what happen?" Jax asked

"we had repaired his heart, and his little belly. lost him for a millisecond before he came back fighting and strong as an ox" she says before taking her leave.

I cried having heard that but was very happy to hear he came back fighting.

"thank you so much baby for not leaving daddy and I."  I say as I carefully kissed his forehead not wanting to disturp his sleep.

"yeah son thank you" Jax says as he softly and lightly brushed his fingers along Abel's blond hair.

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