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When I reached my sixth month mark I did like I had when carrying Abel. I took maternity leave. & I used that time to spend it all with Abel so he would not feel as though my focus was on his baby brother.

When Brooks was born Tom Tom was in the waiting room with Abel and Jax was with me as I spent endless hours pushing our second boy out.

"alright mom push a big push and your baby will be out" the doc said

I sat up a bit took a huge breath gripped Jax's hand and pushed so hard.

"Its a boy" the doc said as I dropped back panting. before I pushed the after birth out then settled back to realx.

Jax gave me a kiss as the nurses cleaned Brooks up before bringing him to me.

Now here I am at home with my boys. I had thanked Tom Tom countless times for being there so he could watch Abel for Jax and I. 

"its what an Uncle is for. being there when the parents hands are full or this case giving birth to their next nephew." he said

I sat there in the glider holding Abel and Brooks as they were fast asleep having gotten their bellies full.


I blinked having heard Jax. so I looked up at him

"yeah?" I asked

"you ok?" he asked

"I'm happy" I say

 he smirked

"good. I am glad to hear that" he says before carefully coming to pick up our boys one at a time and lay them in their cribs before he helped me up and we walked out of the room.

"I have so much to thank you for" he says

"I have a lot to thank you for too" I tell him

neither of us said very much else since we as gonna let our bodies do the talking.

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