7. In The TV's Glow

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Kid Ritz POV:

Kid Ritz: "You look... incredible."

I sit next to Ven, looking at him as I sip my drink.

Ven: "Thank you. So do you."

Hearing him talk to me, to address me... after so many years... is hard. I take a drag to calm my nerves, letting the smoke sift past my lips slowly. I offer it to Ven, to which he declines.

Ven: "When... did you pick up smoking?"

I look down at the smoke between my fingers, thinking over his question. It's just now hit me that... I didn't smoke before meeting him. I picked it up just... from working so much, never getting time off, needing some relief in any way I could get.

I never took the time before now to think about the effects working so much has had on me. I'm tired, worn down, even if I haven't let myself accept it. Even on my travels, I work within the hotel room, on the phone with important calls, meetings over the computer.

I haven't stopped. I haven't stopped trying to work towards a goal... I can't satiate.

I realize I'm just staring at the smoke, forcing me to give an answer. I can't say that I'm working myself to death so I don't have to face the reality that he's not in my life in the way I horribly wish he was.

Kid Ritz: "Well, I guess... shortly after I realized... some things. It helps me calm down."

Ven watches me as I take another drag. His brows furrow a little as his eyes trail the smoke wafting from my lips, like he's sad to watch me. Hmm, I should try to talk about him; that's one of the things I do best. Get someone to talk about themselves, then... listen. It takes the pressure off of me and lets me in on information about them.

Kid Ritz: "So, I've heard some of your songs with Velv, which have been chart toppers. Congratulations."

Ven: "Yes, it's been... a long road."

I nod, taking another sip of my drink. This is so awkward... Gosh, why can't I be better at this? I do business and communicating for a living, for Pete's sake.

Ven: "I have heard all about your generosity from Orchid and RIVAL. They really favor you."

Kid Ritz: "Oh, they are far too kind. They really have been so sweet. Especially Orchid. Isn't she just a doll? She's incredibly talented and funny; it's hard to miss her in a room. I love her and her talents, and I couldn't be happier for her to be in Sword and Stone."

Ven smiles as he looks down.

Ven: "You talk about her so fondly. I think that's sweet."

Kid Ritz: "Orchid deserves the world. When she's not in filming, she tends to be on her own. When... I'm not working or traveling, I like to spend all of my free time with her."

Ven: "She mentioned you work a lot."

Kid Ritz: "She did?"

Ven meets my eyes, nodding. I take the moment to look over his face. He's matured so beautifully; he's hardly the boy I once interviewed. His eyes sparkle, and his mullet frames his face perfectly. He's perfect. And, in his tight dark blue outfit, I can't help but be entranced to look at him and admire him in the way he literally sparkles.

I realize I'm just staring, getting me to take another drag, another sip, annoyed over how flustered I am.

Kid Ritz: "I... guess I do work a lot. I... like to keep myself busy."

Ven: "She... gave me a particular reason why."

I feel my heartbeat pick up.

Kid Ritz: "What... was her reasoning?"

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