Oil Mixup

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Arlo: You know sometimes it's hard to pick between a Bentley or a Ferrari. I can't decide if I want comfort luxury or performance luxury.

John: #whitepeopleproblems

Isen: A Buick is comfort luxury! :D

Sera: Clearly Arlo isn't looking at Buicks, Isen.

Arlo: Choices choices,

John: Lately my food tastes bad, something is wrong but I can't seem to put my finger on it.

Remi: Could be a common ingredient.

John: That's what I'm thinking, I did go shopping a couple days ago and my food has been tasting like shit ever since.

Sera: John let's go over this, what did you buy?

John: I got some olive oil, tomatoes, a box of crackers, eggs and a quart of motor oil.

Blyke: Motor oil?

John: Yeah my car has been running like shit, I thought adding new oil would help but now it's running worse.

Sera: John you know how you do stupid things sometimes?

Blyke: I have a feeling I know where this is going.

Isen: Me too. I'm going to fuck your cute butt one of these days.

Blyke: Isen keep your impulses to yourself.

Sera: Do you have a separate container for olive oil?

John: I do in fact, I don't like using the original bottle.

Sera: Check INSIDE the container, what color is it?

John: Should be greenish clear but I guess I'll see........HOLY SHIT ITS BLACK!!

Sera: And you said your car was now running worse?


John: Oh my gosh.

Arlo: This is why I barely have any respect for you John.


John: It was just a simple mixup!

Sera: A terrible mixup. You probably have cancer now.

Blyke: Not to mention you probably have expensive repairs on your hands now.

John: I'm sure it's fine I'll just flush the oil and then it'll all be okay.

Sera: Alright sure.

Literally two hours later.

John: I'll see you guys in a sec, I'm heading for the store.

Arlo: Don't fucking eat brake fluid this time.

John: I won't, relax you racist pig. Sheesh.

Blyke: You know speaking of Arlo's racism, did you see how he said racial slurs against some Hispanic kid in class?

Remi: AND THE TEACHERS ALLOWED IT?! How is this even okay with them?

Sera: I think they've given up on lecturing Arlo, after all he hasn't stopped after this whole time at Wellston.

John: Guys my car won't start.

Isen: I knew it!

John: I think the engine seized. Shit.

Sera: Why didn't you drain the olive oil?!

John: I DID!!

Blyke: I think it was too late.


Arlo: Buy a new one.

John: This Kia cost me 500$, basically my life savings.

Arlo: A KIA?! Pffffft.

Sera: Oh Arlo shut up, nobody cares that you are white and rich.

Arlo The Racist: unOrdinary ChatficWhere stories live. Discover now