Chapter 30: Precious Little Life

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hello people, here is an update on time first time in weeks wooo *shots a party popper* have fun reading second from last chapter *cries* Love you my little dragons

DragonHeart Signs out :*


Natsu POV

''Look out for what is precious to you dear brother'' Said Zeref while cutting off all Luce air and her body became weak ''N-Natsu...H-Help me'' she whispered and soon fainted.

''HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER!!'' i attacked him with full power while receiving Luce form him ''YOU GONNA PAY FOR THIS BASTARD!!'' My body turned into a ginormous dragon and began to attack on its own ''I see you're ready to finish my misery'' Zeref chuckled at me with bright red eyes, his hand covered his head due to pain and used Death Predation but surprisingly it made no effect on me. ''I'm immune to this attack Zeref'' I said while charging at him and attacked with a Elemental Dragon Roar which did minimal damage and he laughed at me ''My little brother is that weak?''

''NOBODY CAN TOUCH LUCE BUT ME!!'' I screamed once again while i heard a scream from Wendy ''Natsu! He did something! She is not breathing!'' my heart stopped for a minute and rage began to grow in its place.

I looked up, walked to Luce, gave her a kiss and whispered ''Keep going princess, i will be right back and will love you forever'' Zeref will die and i don't care if he is my brother, i ain't to weapon. My wings lifted me off the ground and i headed in Zerefs direction with fury in my eyes ''Let the lava emerge form the heart of the earth, Bring pain and destruction to the ones upon us'' I chanted at the dirt became soft and molten rock flew towards me. With matter of seconds it surrounded Zeref and locked him a giant orb which filled with lava in seconds.

''Wendy how is Luce doing?'' i asked while Zeref was frozen in the volcanic rock ''She is still not breating but i think she had been put under a trance. Don't worry she will be okay. By the way this bracelet of hers keeps glowing and it think its calling you'' she said as she took her bracelet off and gave it to me. I can feel Igneels strength calling my name ''Natsu you can use us in emergency'' Igneel spoke to me telepathically.

I concentrated all of my magical power on the orbs and and started to feel empty as a portal appeared on the sky and the dragons flew into our world and changed into human form ''Hello Son'' Igneel said while giving me fire to munch on and giving me magic power while Grandeeney went up to Wendy who began to cry ''I missed you so much'' Wendy hugged her ''Wendy child we need to help our queen now otherwise she will become one with darkness'' Wendy let go after she said these words.


Lucy POV

Who i'm I? Why I'm I here? Its so dark here and this situation seems similar ''Lucy child, You have to go back to Natsu and protect the the worlds from destruction and Natsu from turning into a demon'' said a woman looking similar to me ''What do you mean? Who i'm i?'' i asked confused but then i felt a warm light shining though my heart, i remember now ''Mum wait for me!'' I shouted as her presence became weaker and weaker ''My job has been done now Lucy'' she said as my eyes began to water...''Mummy stay with me please, you can't leave me again'' I cried more violently while trying to catch up with her flying away with her beautiful gold wings ''I give you all of my magic now child. Go and save your king, I love my little daughter'' she waved last time before turning into a gold dust...''Why did you leave me again mummy?!'' i cried as the world became lighter and lighter until i could see all the dragons and Natsu fighting Zeref and their faces covered with blood and sweat but he was alive, my king is alive.

''Queen, are you okay?'' asked Grandeeney as she hovered over my weak body ''My mum... she is gone...'' I cried harder but then i felt a spark, it was my mums magic ''I need to help Natsu, or her will turn into a demon'' this shocked Wendy and everyone else who was standing there ''But you need to rest'' said Wendy

I stood up and changed into my dragon form ''I'm sorry Wendy but i have no one but him left. I love him and if i did ever lose him then i would die on the inside'' I walked towards Natsu; grabbed his hand and began to chant the most powerful spell we know 'The great banishment' its and ancient spell which can only be used once in life and has a ginormous death rate. ''Like the sun wakes up in early mornings to give people life, we king and queen of Kingdom of Life stripe you of any possible powers and curses and send to live for two years in the out kingdom on a deserted island. Now be gone!'' we finished a spell while dancing in the sky and began to circle around Zeref which began to smirk as he slowly fallen to the ground.

Before he had fallen unconscious he smiled at me''My little brother finally helped me. I love you little one...'' 


So minna how did you like this chapter, I cried many many times and i cant believe its nearly end but i have a favor guys. My friend sortofastoryteller just joined Wattpad and he needs some love from you guys. If you could check out his fanfic for me please then I would love you forever. Thank you my dragons

DragonHeart sings out :*

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