Chapter 29: Visit

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Hai people, this chapter is a little delayed because of an annoyingexam i had but now i'm free and don't have to go school because its summer for me. What about you did you finish school yet? Todays chapter goes to derpywhooves1617 who so kindly spammed my fanfic few days ago ^.^ time to read

DragonHeart signs out -3-


Romeo POV (One week later)

Wendy is getting really hyped and she wont tell me why, its so frustrating. I just wanna hug and kiss her but she keeps running about and the make the mark really sore "Wendy please stay with me." I pleaded as the mark became colder and colder.

"Romeo please, wait a minute" she shouted while picking her clothes out. "I will be right back, I'm just gonna get changed" she smiled happily and walked out of the room. I swear down that the bite gives the person some abilities of the dragon..when I sneezed this morning I blew a hole in the wall. In starting not to like it.

"Romeo could you help we with something?" Wendy shouted from the bathroom. When I walked in I saw a half naked wendy with a dress that needed to be zipped "You look pretty like that" I said with a smirk and she turned red "Just zip me up please" she said embarrassed.

When I was done she looked at me and kissed me passionetly "You will get to see someone really important to me today" she grinned at me while I felt really confused. "What do you mean Wendy?" I asked as she jumped up lightly as a feather "You will see" and jumped on my back. "By the way did you learn any wind magic recently?" She asked me but I just nodded in disagreement " It seems that your bite mark gave me some of your power" she looked at me and smelled my neck.

"Tell me then, how does air taste like to you?" That was the thing it didn't taste much different well except the fact that I felt powerful while breathing "It gives me power and strength..." I said feeling and urge to sneeze, as I did so i blew another hole in the wall "I will need to ask her about it. This is getting out of hand" wait who is she talking about???


Natsu POV

Luce keeps telling me to hurry up today and pack my bags band says we will be gone for two weeks so I need to pack loads...I'm so curious "Natsu hurry up we are leaving in 10 minutes!" Luce shouted from the bathroom. " I'm ready its you that is taking ages!" I shouted back making her pout and walk out in the towel again " Where are Happy and Serena?" She asked while wiping her hair and showing her mark.

"Oh Luuucee you know I love you" I said to her wrapping my hands around her "What do you need flame?" I looked at her and kissed her neck. She focused on the kiss that she didn't realize that her towel has dropped "I need to hurry" she said without looking at me and packed her bag with one motion of finger "Come on sparky. Time to go" she smiled at me and pulled me down the corridor.

"Dad I will miss you" I said hugging the human form of Igneel when he looked at Luce and gave her a bracelet with about 20 orbs attached to it "All of these posses a presence of each dragon which will let you summon us when you wish to and all of the orbs emit a large amount of magic so be careful Queen Lucy. Come back safe" dad said as me, Luce, mom, dad and Happy and Serena hugged in a big circle and everyone looked at Serena for a second "Are you..?" Luce asked bur Serena attacked her and blushed while changing the subject quickly.

As if with a flash of a lightning a orb appeared in front of us and became tall. It lead to Lucy's old apartment in Magnolia city "Remember sweetheart that many troubles of this world will depend on this trip. But have fun and come back safe" mum hugged Luce one last time and we headed through the portal.


Erza POV

Magnolia keeps having more and more incidents with over the past few days; outrages of magic, people killed with magic and random explosions and Master keeps calling people to his office.

And here we go again "Yes Master what can I do for you?" I asked polietly as he closed the door to his office "Today Lucy and Natsu will return form Kingdom of Life" this shocked me and made me jolt with happiness "They are really coming home?!" I whisper asked while master just nodded.

"This has to be a secret for the first 2 days because it might cause panic, I will give you a group of people you will need to take to meet Natsu and Lucy back into our world." Said master giving me a roll of paper with 7 names; Levy and Gajeel, me and Jellal, Wendy and Romeo and Gray and Juvia we gathered up and stated to go to Lucy's old house.

After 30 minutes everyone was at the guild already and as we walked towards Lucy's old house she could hear noises and things being broken ''This is quite disturbing...'' said Wendy and Jellal knocked on the door ''How do you think they look'' I asked as Natsu opened the door only wearing a towel ''Natsu get inside and put some clothes!'' shouted Lucy from inside the house but he just laughed and let us in the house where we found Lucy also just in a towel ''What have you two been doing?'' said Levy said cheekily while nuzzling into her face ''Says you being pwegashbs'' Levy attacked and whispered something to her ear. Whats with the secrecy?

''Do you think we should tell now or a little later?'' i asked Jellal while Lucy and Natsu headed to her room to get dressed. ''But wait for the royalty to come back'' Everyone laughed as Natsu and Lucy came back.

Jellal and I stood up and faced everyone ''Meet my bride and soon-to-be wife'' He said as everyone's mouths dropped ''Since we are confessing things then i have something to say too'' Said pointing at her stomach and jumping into Gajeels arms ''Lucy, Wendy and Serena know already and i'm sure Serena is in the same situation'' Levy smirked.

''Lucy since when do you have that dragon on your neck?'' i asked making Lucy blush ''i have it for two weeks...'' she said it unsure when something emerged from the shadows and cough her neck ''Look out for what is precious to you dear brother''....


This chapter is late due to wattpad deleting the last 400 words of the story. I love you people and im so sorry for not fixing it quicker :( stay awesome

DragonHeart signs out -3-

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