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The next morning, Richard found himself glaring at Imani. He raised his hand, palm facing up and halting any words or excuses that tumbled out of her parted lips. As he stood opposite her in front of his sleek black vehicle, he couldn't help but have second thoughts about letting her leave. She was too damn tempting, he clenched his free fist by his side at the thought of another man touching her drifted through his mind.

God, he knew this would torment him every night until she returned. His dark eyes focused on hers and with as much control as he could muster up, he finalised, "get in the car, Imani." And when she didn't move, he continued, "or would you rather I force you in?" He'd definitely rather that, but he knew she wasn't as willing on the matter.

That was probably the first time she'd heard him give her a choice rather than simply order her around. It was every bit surprising and even a little disappointing, she knew a sick part of her enjoyed his dominant persona. She bit her bottom lip and her eyes flicked up to her waving mother. The older woman stood on the porch and grinned down at her daughter, "please, Mr. Bassette." She tried once more, not wanting to create a scene in front of her mother, but one last try wouldn't hurt... Right.

Richard clenched his jaw, she'd be the death of him. He needed to see where she was staying, had to know it was safe. He took one threatening step forward and instantly he saw the submission in her eyes. He watched her small frame quickly move to the passenger's side, she slipped inside without uttering another complaint. Good girl. Already, his patience and control were slipping and the brief fire that fluttered beneath her eyelids didn't help.

Holding her hands together in her lap, Imani watched the large man as he leisurely made his way to the driver's seat. He slid in unconsciously gracefully and she almost had the nerve to scoff. Such a big, brutish man... Biting her tongue, she smiled weakly at her grinning mother— who seemed completely oblivious to the situation— as Richard drove out of his compound. She remained perfectly still and silent, refusing to speak to the man beside her.

Richard tightened his fingers around the steering wheel until his knuckles lost blood circulation, his cock twitched within his jeans and his nostrils flared. Her scent was everywhere, invading his system in the most toxic manner possible. She was like a shot of heroin; prolonged and insanely pleasurable. He had to focus, so he found a distraction. "You comin' home this fall."

It wasn't a question but Imani was inclined to respond, "maybe." It was different now that she was alone with Richard. In his house, she'd comply— wouldn't think twice about giving him the response he wanted, but she wasn't under his roof in the literal sense.

"Maybe," Richard hissed, "you are coming home, Imani." He was careful, making sure his emotions didn't play an effect on the wheel between his fingers.

She felt the atmosphere shift, "Mr. Basset-

"Richard, Imani. Must I pry my name from your lips every fucking time," she could tell her response had him on edge, his unsettled behavior fueled the wicked woman in her head. Thankfully she was a lot wiser than that woman, she knew nothing good would come from an angry Richard. Unsure of how she could sedate him, Imani simply rolled her lower lip between her teeth and kept a steady gaze on the faded vehicle in front of them. "Fuck," his sharp curse startled her, it came suddenly and instantly drew her attention.

Was she trying to cause an accident! Richard pulled off the highway and instantly Imani sat up straight, "what are you doing," she knew her voice sounded weak. She had no idea what her little actions did to him, something as simple as rolling her lip between her teeth played with his arousal. She unmanned him without even realising it.

"Petrol," is all he muttered back. Angry that she seemed so fucking reserved. Pissed that he wanted her to submit to his every whim. And, beyond fucking livid at her for leaving him! Dammit, he needed air. Space to breath outside of her tantalising odour.

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