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Westridge Valley, 2013

Ben parked in front of the local pub and placed his hand over Imani's, he squeezed softly when she didn't respond. "You okay?" He heard a small buzzing and looked at her lap.

Snapping into action, Imani moved her hands from under Ben's, she quickly fumbled with grabbing the phone from her pocket. Sliding her thumb across the screen, she answered in a rush, "hey."

'Are you okay, sweetie? You sound out of breath...' Her mother's voice came through the speaker and Imani relaxed.

The guilt had come back ten times as strong and she'd been almost convinced it was Richard calling her, now that annoying little feeling wouldn't go away. This was a bad idea, she shouldn't be out with other men, especially when she promised she'd just study. "I'm fine, ma. Going out with a friend." Imani made sure not to classify what gender this friend was but her mother was onto her.

'A boy?' Leela questioned as Richard glared at the phone in her hand.

Imani laughed, unaware of the trouble unfolding back home, "maybe. I got to go, we're heading in now." She cut the call just as her mother spoke her name in a slight panic.

No. She needed to do this. She had to get away from the leash that was Richard, so she looked up at Ben's curious gaze and smiled in encouragement. "Shall we?" He questioned and she nodded in response. They both exited the car and Ben grabbed his guitar from the back seat. He placed a leading hand at the lower of Imani's back and directed her to the bar.

A smaller, younger looking man came up to them. "You little shit, I thought you were a no show!" He snapped.

"Shut up, Jesse. I'm here." He grunted back at the lean man.

Jesse turned to look at Imani, "yes you are," he mumbled.

"Hey man, get on stage!" Ben pushed past Jesse with Imani and directed her to a seat just to the side of the stage. "Want a drink?" He asked, leaning down to her ear in the loud room.

She shook her head, "just water, please." Imani replied, knowing if she drank it'd only become another nail in her grave.

"A good girl," Ben grinned.

With a raised eyebrow, she scoffed, "a sober girl."

Ben disappeared and returned moments later with a tall glass filled with ice, "ma'am." He placed the cup down in front of her and turned to the stage where Jesse was checking their equipment. "I should head up, make sure to cheer me on!"

Imani sipped at the cold water as the minutes passed. Jesse and Ben both sat on stools, turned in towards each other slightly. From this angle she could see Ben's corded jaw, then she compared it with Richards. Dammit! Looking away from the stage, she scanned the crowd. Surprisingly, they began moving towards Ben and Jesse, already recognising the duo. There were several cheers and hoots.

She sat back in her seat and folded her arms as Jesse spoke up, "we'd like to thank you all for coming out tonight and hope you enjoy..."

Ben's fingers worked the strings of his guitar and then he opened his mouth, my eyes widened as the words began flowing from his lips. He was good. They sang and play several songs, taking a small interval between each. Before she knew it, Imani was also clapping and cheering the two on with the rest of the pub.

"Always a great audience, cheers!" Jesse stood up along with Ben.

They made their way off the stage after packing up their gear. Ben was first to arrive at Imani's table, he slumped down on the seat next to her, "so?"

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