Les - Childish Gambino

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Context: Raph and Donnie shared a kiss a while back, but have done nothing about it; not even talked about it. When they are paired for patrol, everything finally blows up. 


The night air hung heavy with humidity, the heat coming up from the city traffic made the mutant brothers' skin sticky with sweat. It was difficult to tell if there was any activity worthy of stopping for because of Donatello's consistent run across the rooftops. Since the past few weeks had been quiet on the streets, the team felt it would be better to split into pairs, thus covering more ground with ease. Leo paired himself with Mikey, leaving Raph and Donnie to take the Lower East Side. Neither one gave any indication of opposition towards this decision. As the purple and red banded turtles ran, Raphael stayed a few yards behind Donnie, his brows permanently furrowed together. Finally, Donnie slowed to a stop.

"Hold up," he said, peeking down into an alleyway. Raphael came up beside him to look. Below them was a couple, their wobbly movements indicating they were intoxicated. The man had a woman a few inches shorter than him pinned to the wall and he was mumbling incoherently, the woman's incessant shifting and glancing around being the only indication of discomfort. Donnie watched for a moment before he whispered.

"Think it's a date gone wrong?" Raph merely shook his head as they watched. The two of them sighed when the woman looked around once more before forcing the man into a fierce kiss, her hands grabbing his and moving them over her body.

"More like a date gone right," Raph retorted before he backed away from the building's ledge. Donnie clicked his tongue and stood up.

"Hopefully Leo and Mikey are having better luck than us," he said as he turned to face his older brother. Raph was staring at him with his brows still etched together, but not in his usual angry manner; they had a softness to them, a twinge of concern. His fists were clenched too, which put Donnie on edge. Donnie matched his expression.

"What?" he said. Raph said nothing as his fists tightened. Donnie kept his glare and grabbed hold of the band that came across his chest to hold his bo staff, shifting it a little to a more comfortable position. They stayed like this for a moment, the sounds of the couple in the alleyway below having left and leaving nothing but the hum of the city to fill the air. Donnie wasn't sure why he looked away first – perhaps the tension got to him more than he would have liked to let on – but he did, and it sprung Raph into action. Raphael stomped towards him, fists finally coming undone as he reached up to touch Donnie.

"What are you-" Donnie looked down at the shorter turtle, his heart starting to race as Raphael's hands grew frantic trying to find a way to grip Donnie.

"What are you doing- What are you doing-" Donnie spoke quickly as he roughly squatted away Raph's hands, though they were quick to reach back up again as soon as they were hit. Raph was able to grip the back of Donnie's neck and pulled him down to his size, their foreheads and cheeks bumping into each other as the push and pull of the two turtles continued.

"Raph, I don't want-" Raph forced his lips into Donnie's. Donnie's eyes shut as he tried to shove him away, separating them just far enough to throw a punch that landed square on Raph's jaw, but his head swung back, that etched expression unchanged and his hands still having an unrelenting need to have a hold on Donnie. Quickly catching a good grasp on Donnie's wrist and the back of his head, Raph pressed his mouth into Donnie's again, this time leaning in to force Donnie to the edge of the rooftop so he couldn't step back and create enough space for another punch. Donnie let out a sound of protest and hit his free hand into Raph's shoulder, but to little avail. Raph squeezed his wrist and Donnie's breath became a fast, heavy pant through his nose before he wrapped his free arm around Raph's neck, their teeth hitting as Donnie moved his lips aggressively. Raph released his wrist and Donnie was quick to wrap it under Raph's arm, flattening his hand against his shell to press him in closer. Their kiss became messy as swollen lips fought to be more tightly pressed together. They both panted whenever their lips separated for half a second, both sets of hands moving and fighting for a better position to grip and hold. Donnie's head was swimming, the sweat on his skin mixing with Raph's made him nauseous and it took everything in him to keep his knees from buckling. They ended with his hands cupping Raph's face, their foreheads pressed hard together so he could tilt his jaw away and get some much needed air in through his mouth. Their hot breaths mingled, and it wasn't until they opened their eyes to look at each other that Donnie moved his hands to Raph's shoulder's and shoved him away, causing him to stumble back.

"Raph, what the fuck!," Donnie screamed, quickly moving away from any rooftop ledge so he couldn't be pinned again. Raph's face contorted and he scoffed.

"Oh don't you fucking start with that high and mighty bullshit," he shouted with an accusatory finger pointed in Donnie's direction. "Ya been thinkin' bout this just as much as I have! Don't think I haven't noticed those goddamn stares durin' training, or at dinner – way to be fucking subtle!" Donnie scowled and shook his head as he threw his arms up.

"Fuck off, Raph! I didn't want any of this! Whatever this is-," Donnie made a gesture between them and Raph scoffed again, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"At least I'm doin' somethin' about it! You're the one pretending like nothing happened-"

"Because we have to!" Donnie shouted back, his palms up and out in defeat. "We can't be doing this, you know that as much as I do, it's wrong and- and-"

"You shoulda thought of that before you started kissin' me like your life depended on it, Don."

"Fuck!" Donnie screamed as he dropped to a crouch, his grip on his head tightening when he tucked his head between his knees. Raph swallowed and took a deep breath before he swiped the sweat on his forehead with his forearm.

"What do you want?" he asked. Donnie huffed and shook his head.

"We need to stop this. We can't be doing this. If the others knew-"

"That's not what I fucking asked, Don, don't make me ask again," Raph clenched his jaw but kept his gaze on his brother. Donatello stood up and looked at Raph with his brows furrowed, eyes hooded.

"Ya tell me right now you neva want any of this eva again and I'll stop," Raph said firmly, but there was a slight lowering of his voice as the sentence went on, "but it has to be what you want – not whateva the others think or what's right and wrong." Donnie's expression softened as he looked into Raph's green eyes, his shoulders feeling heavy as they sagged. Donnie swallowed and spoke plainly.

"I don't want to do anything like this ever again with you." Raph showed no signs of surprise or disappointment but rather shifted his jaw and gave a small nod before looking down at the ground.

"Alright. Then tha's that," he said. They stood there for a moment in silence, Donnie's face twitching into a frown as he stared at the ground as well. Suddenly, Donnie's T-Phone started to ring. He let it play for a few seconds before answering.

"Hey, it's pretty dull over here. How's it going for you guys?" Leo asked over the phone. Donnie cleared his throat before responding.

"Nothing much. Other than a run-in with some Purple Dragons. Got one good hit on Raph before we took them down," Donnie said, earning a glare from Raph for how easily the lie slipped off his tongue. Mikey was heard in the background on Leo's side making fun of Raph for getting hit by such an easy opponent.

"Alright, I'm thinking we pack it in for the night. See you at home," Leo said before hanging up the phone. Donnie slipped his phone into his belt and waited a second before making eye contact with Raphael, who was glaring back and gently rubbing at the blooming bruise that was starting to form on his cheek.

"Sorry," Was all Donnie said before they turned and started on their way home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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