Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

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The next day I woke up with a smile on my face. I was the first to wake up. Today was going to be awesome- especially because Harry's coming with us to Fred and George's joke shop. I kicked my covers off and slipped on my shoes. I walked over to Ginny's bed. I was too hyper to wake her sweetly like I usually did to her and Hermione. 

"Aww, she's so cute when she's sleeping." I said in a cooing soft voice. "WAKE UP!" I yelled in her ear. 

Ginny shrieked and landed on the floor.

"Oh good, you're up." I smiled at her, helping her back up to standing.

"Gee, thanks Hannah. You could have woken me up nicely." She complained, stretching her arms. 

"Sorry, I'm just excited, Ginny." I apologized. 

Hermione stirred on the other bed. Ginny and I exchanged evil grins. We walked up to her, one on each side of her bed. I counted down with my fingers silently, showing Ginny. 

"WAKE UP!" We both shouted in Hermione's ears on both sides.

She literally flew up in the air by the sound and landed back on her bed. 

"What the-" She glared at us, braking off. "I was in the middle of a great dream!" She said angrily to us, hoisting herself out of bed. 

"About what?" Ginny asked curiously.

"Nothing." Hermione snapped and ducked under her bed, pulling out her trunk with all her clothes in it. "Let's get changed."

I walked back to my bed and pulled out my trunk too. I picked out some clothes and got changed in the bathroom. (Outfit in pic, except the beanie.)

I straightened my hair which made it look even longer than it already was, and came back out of the bathroom. Hermione and Ginny were dressed already. 

"Let's go." I said to them.

We walked back downstairs and started eating some porridge when Harry and Ron came down, still in their pyjamas. 

"Nice to see you two all ready." Ginny said sarcastically, particularly looking at Ron. 

"Hey, we stayed up late last night!" Ron replied defensively, sitting down next to Hermione and eating some porridge. 

Harry sat beside me and started eating too. I spotted Hedwig's empty cage and smiled to myself. I wish I could have a pet owl or cat. And it would be easier to communicate with them too...but it was too hard to look after them at Hogwarts with all the homework we'd probably get this year. 

Suddenly, Errol, Ron's owl, slammed into the window from outside. I jumped a bit. 

"How many times does that bird have to do that same entrance?" Ron muttered angrily and walked over to the window. 

"Mum! Letters from Hogwarts have arrived!" Ron announced. 

Mrs Weasley bustled in the kitchen. 

"Oh, it's your O.W.L. Results! Check them out!" She handed us all the letters. 

I looked at mine. It was quite good actually. It was nearly as good as Hermione's! We smiled at each other, but Hermione didn't seem too happy with her results. 

"Hey, you got the best out of all of us! How can you be upset?" Harry nudged her. 

Hermione sighed. 

"I could have done better." She mumbled. 

Everyone went back upstairs. Hermione, Ginny and I put our papers away and came back downstairs. Ron and Harry came back too- this time, dressed in some normal clothes to go out. 

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