Chapter 1

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Life is not about reaching your happy ending,it is solely about living the moment. There is no such thing as a peaceful ending to anyone's story. Ending of someone's story means the beginning of another's. And it continues. Wishes of destruction,wishes of peace,wishes of revenge,wishes of death,.....oh how gruesome a life would be.

A young man with raven hair like an endless night,a pair of eyes with jade green and crimson. Lips rosy as natural as they could,a tongue thirst for blood,the young man was a Storm born from hell. A seeker of revenge. A demigod born from a god and a devil.

He stood infront of the sun of the kingdom,king Ashen Pendragon. His eldest cousin. The only person in this world who could put such a grave injury on his chest.

And on a side,he could see another man's unconscious body lying motionless. His 'best friend', Gabriel Pendragon,the pawn he used to reach this far.

"....Have you had enough,Storm? Do you still want to continue?"

At the voice of the gentle voice of the king,Storm chuckled as he coughed up a mouthful of blood. Yes,Storm was his name. Storm Pendragon. The name his mother gave him.

With crimson blood running through his lips,he grinned,"...if you did not poison my mana energy gates,do you still think you could stand so proudly infront of me?"

Ashen sighed with closed eyes,"It's not like you will die from a mere poisoning"

"So I should suck it up and kneel? Was that how you killed her too?"

"....Storm,I cannot allow you to go rampaging like this. Innocent people are dying"

Storm did not understand why Ashen cared so much about other people. What was so important about them?

Ashen,"I do not want to harm you,Storm. You are my brother,just like Gabriel. And I certainly do not want to lay a finger on her son. Please,don't force me to go beyond this"

Storm gritted his teeth hearing him talking about her as if he had any right! They killed her! His mother!Nabi Pendragon!

"Sorry,I have to disappoint you then",Storm's sword came flying to his hand as he finished talking.

His sword glare clashed with Ashen's sword. But it had gone weak. Storm is injured badly. And it was so much easier for Ashen to get rid of him.

"...I really wanted to avoid hurting my aunt's son but you leave me no choice. I do not wish to see another war breaking down on my kingdom",Ashen raised up his sword high up,ready to strike down to finish everything.

Just as the sword was about to reach Storm's neck,another sword glare stopped it from reaching Storm. A man with yet another  crimson aura,a man Storm wished to kill,yet he was the one who is saving him?

It was Hoseok Pendragon. One of Storm's uncles. Yes,one of them. One of the people Storm wish to kill. So why? Why is he protecting him today?

He did not have time to think further when a pair of arms grabbed him by his  waist,hoisting him up. And suddenly he was high up in the sky. It was his guardian devil,he had grabbed him to escape from the scene. To protect him,just as he had been doing all his life. The only person he would trust his back blindly. Nine,the devil used to be a loyal subordinate of his parents.

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