The New Leventis

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Y/n's Pov:

I'm strolling through the palace, As I take leisurely steps through the palace adorned with intricate tapestries and chandeliers; glistening and casting white reflections on the walls, the throne room already in my sight.

I Started to get anxious to meet the Queen and the King.

As was written on the letter i received last night.
I was ordered by the Queen to visit her.

The letter was written in a polite way, as if it was written for someone in a high position.

Unlike the letters I've received from myself. (How pathetic of me, writing letters to myself)

Nonetheless Who over wrote it, they better teach me.

While i was busy, thinking, recalling and getting awestruck we reached the room and the guard that was guiding me through the palace, stopped Infort of a big, Huge Double Door. That made me look like an ant.

My toxic traits though i could escape just in time if it falls.
Another one, thought i could handle it. and stop it from crashing me.
and I Know for sure that i stand no chance to even open it-

He opened the Door and stood aside, gesturing with his hand for me to move
on without him.

Anxiety slowly started to creep in again Eating me alive as i saw the king, the Queen, The princess, and the princes with a couple of their trusted people (including the Chou's and Kim's)

All eyeing me up and down.

-ok is there any windows i could jump off? This place is giving me the chills.
I badly want to throw up.

"Hello, Miss Lin, Glad to finally meet you"

"The- the pleasure is all mine your majesty"

I bowed 90 degrees, and i definitely heard and felt the cracking sound of my back. How embarrassing, Now I've to live with the thought of all these people knowing i lift zero muscles.

"Please No need for formality, take a seat"

I bowed slightly again and sat on the nearest empty chair

Which was in the middle of all the preying eyes.
(They were just looking, but i felt like i was being murdered)

Straight after i sat down, i held my right arm, which has been giving me unexplainable slight pain lately. Like a Sting of bee

While i was massaging it, the Queen took Note.

"We Called You Today To Discuss your Journey. The Rhodon Queendom is under attack by their neighboring, The Melaina Kingdom." The Queen looked at her advisor and he immediately stood up with a pail of papers and continued

" Melaina Kingdom, Has been invading other territories and claiming it as theirs, endangering lives of thousands. And Now they declared War on Rhodon Queendom, and As we All know the Rhodon Queendom is Not Like our Queendom or Cleisthenes Kingdom. Which have Military bases and can face any danger at any time."

He sat down and Another one stood up with Paper on his hand

" We placed the Rhodon and Melaina next to each other cause we thought that if there's nothing to trigger the Melaina kingdom then they would focus on themselves and never worry themselves about wars.

But it seems it's backfiring on us now. And the Rhodon Queendom is in great Danger. The closest kingdom to it won't reach until 10 days and knowing the Melaina it will take 2 days or less to completely wipe the whole kingdom. From top to bottom "

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