♡ㅤ Chapter 5 ♡ㅤ

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That night, long after work ended, Thomas picked Alexander's lock and let himself in per usual. This was routine. He brought more medicine because he assumed Alexander would need it.

His cane tapped the wood floors as he walked into the home and made his way to Alexander's bedroom. But, he didn't see Alexander in there. Thomas was shocked, but kept it calm. Alexander couldn't be far, he was ill.

Thomas searched the main floor for the smaller, pale, sickly man but to no avail. Thomas waltzed upstairs and he was hoping Alexander would be up there...

Tap, tap, tap from the cane as it made it's slender way to a room with a little bit of light coming from it. Thomas creaked open the door and he peered inside.

There sat Alexander, pale and cadaverous, sitting at his desk in his office while his quill writes away atop a paper. Alexander's glasses sat on his nose and he was still in his robe. A handkerchief sat beside his papers.

Thomas wasn't amused. "Alexander." Thomas deadpanned.

Alexander flinched hardly, and almost smeared his paper. Alexander's gaze found it's way to Thomas. "Mm." Alexander hummed, weakly.

"Just what are you doin'? I thought I said no workin'." Thomas reprimanded, taking a few steps toward Alexander. Alexander only sniffled and nonchalantly glanced off. "M not workin. Writin.." Alexander mumbled, almost inaudible.

Thomas sighed and glanced around at all the papers Alexander had written on. "Have you been writin' all day?!" Thomas inquired. Alexander nodded.

"Holy hell." Thomas muttered. "Well, that's enough." Thomas began to take the quill out of Alexander's hand. Alexander didn't protest at first, until he realized what Thomas was doing. Alexander said, "Nooo.." and weakly reached for the quill.

Thomas placed the quill in the ink and began placing Alexander's papers aside, calmly. Alexander shook his head softly and made attempts to stop this.

Thomas made his way over to Alexander and he pulled the chair out. Alexander stayed seated. "Don't be difficult, Alexander." Thomas muttered. Alexander continued to sit.

"Fine then." Thomas said, picking up Alexander bridal style. Alexander sniffled, not protesting because he actually wanted this.

Thomas begrudgingly carried Alexander downstairs to his bedroom, and he practically threw him onto the bed. "You sick, but you ain't incompetent. Coulda walked." Thomas snarled. Alexander didn't quite respond, but instead crawled over to his usual spot and laid down.

Thomas, irritated by Alexander's lack of attention, said, "You shouldn'tve been writin' so much, Alexander. You 'sposed to rest."

Alexander glanced at Thomas. "I'm sorry." Alexander muttered with his sore voice. Thomas sighed.

"What was so important, anyway?" Thomas inquired, crossing his arms.

"I wanted to write." Alexander admitted.

"You know it knocks the wind out of you, sweetheart. You should've been resting." Thomas countered. Alexander glanced down in defeat.

Thomas lit a candle and placed it on the bedside table. He glanced at Alexander calmly. "Hey. I'm just lookin' out for you, Alex." Thomas cooed, throwing the blanket over Alexander's body. Alexander glanced up. "You're not mad at me?" Alexander questioned.

Thomas hummed, then he shook his head no. "Just concerned." Thomas admitted, tucking Alexander in.

"M glad.." Alexander murmured almost inaudibly. "Cus you were mean.." Alexander continued, gazing at Thomas with a 'not completely there' look.

Thomas softened his gaze. "Sorry, darlin'. I was just a bit upset. Not mad at you no more. Mkay?" He said, running a hand through Alexander's long brunette hair. Alexander nodded softly and coughed into his arm.

That cough reminded Thomas that Alexander needed his medicine. So Thomas reached into his bag and grabbed medicine for the sickly man, along with a spoon. Thomas sat down on the edge of the bed and popped the top off of the bottle of syrup. Alexander watched with tired eyes as Thomas did that.

Thomas then dipped the spoon in the syrup. Alexander's eyebrows furrowed. Thomas held the medicine up to Alexander and this time around, Alexander didn't protest or anything. He just wanted it over with, so he obliged. Taking the medicine in his mouth. Thomas hummed approvingly with a small smile on his face. Alexander looked disgusted from the medicine as he wiped his mouth.

"Now go to sleep. Should be easier now with that medicine in ya." Thomas said, patting Alexander's leg. Alexander sighed and after a few moments, he fell asleep.

Thomas watched carefully over the man for a moment. But, Thomas had a long day and he waa tired too. So.. he laid down. Just for a moment! He surely wouldn't accidentally fall asleep or anything!

Except, after a moment, that's exactly what he did. Thomas fell asleep. Alexander, on the other hand, wasn't truly asleep. He was going to wait until Thomas left so he could go back to writing, but to his dismay, Thomas was still there. And asleep. As Alexander sat up, he glared at Thomas with an almost annoyed expression.

But it was alright, because Alexander carefully and swiftly got out of bed. He took the candle and weakly made his way back to the office. Alexander set up shop again and dipped a quill in ink before rewriting a letter for congress he had already written multiple times but he thought the drafts were terrible.. so he was rewriting it for a seventh time. He wrote,

"Dear Congress..

The implications of my many statements were that..-"

Then he crumpled up the paper.

"Mm.. Too formal." Alexander muttered under his breath. "I sound.. foolish.." He took out a new paper and began to write on that one.

It wasn't very long until there was a creak at the door. Alexander glanced up. It was Thomas.

"Wh- Alexander." Thomas said, almost angrily.

"Thomas." Alexander replied, his voice a murmur.

"What did I say?" Thomas reprimanded, walking towards the sick man. Alexander shrugged and stared up at Thomas with those god forsaken bags under his eyes.

Thomas realized that Alexander must've gone mad or something if he's going to keep doing this over and over, so he calmed himself down. "Alexander.. I'm takin' you back to bed, mister." Thomas said, his voice low.

Alexander actually protested this time around, clenching his quill. "I...m.. NOT going to bed... FUCK you.." Alexander tiredly said, shooing Thomas away and angrily writing something on the paper.

Thomas blinked at the stubborn man before him. "Well, shit. Ima have to do this again." Thomas said, walking behind Alexander's chair and pulling it out. Alexander pouted in defeat. Thomas then picked up Alexander and threw him over his shoulder before taking him back to his bedroom. Alexander groaned, upset.

"How'd you...even wake up...??" Alexander tiredly asked.

Thomas shrugged. "Sensed your bullshit."

Alexander rolled his eyes.

It was going to be a long night.

Sickness ♡ㅤ (Jamilton)Where stories live. Discover now