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"Darling! You can't hide from me!"

His voice echoed through the iced wind of Dragonspine like a predator searching for his prey.

You felt a wave of panic wash over you at his words, and your breath quickened. You looked around for a place to hide, your eyes scanning the area desperately

"No, no, no" you muttered to yourself, as your legs began to tremble.
You looked behind you, trying to see if he was getting closer, but all you saw was a dense layer of snow that made it impossible to see far ahead.

The thought of being caught by him filled you with dread making your limbs shake with fear at the sound of his voice, and as you tried to run away, your foot caught on a tree root and you tumbled to the ground, landing hard on the snowy ground.

As you stumbled over the roots, the cold, wet snow stuck to your clothes, making them heavier. You tried to regain your balance, but your legs failed you and you fell to the ground hard, knocking the air out of your lungs.

Your head throbbed from the impact, and you felt tears spring to your eyes from the pain. You pushed yourself up, gasping for air, your head swimming as you tried to regain your bearings.

The snow crunched under your fists as you tried to stand up again, but the cold weighed you down, making it difficult to move. Your teeth chattered from the cold, and you shivered, trying to warm yourself up.

His footsteps grew closer and closer echoing through your ears as you closed your eyes preparing for what's coming next.

.... silence.....

Trying to catch your breath, you heard a sound that made your heart stop. It was the sound of a collapsing body, falling before you.

You opened your eyes, still half-dazed from the fall, and looked at the stilled body before you.

You tried to move, but you were still paralyzed with fear and adrenaline, unable to do anything except stare at the body in front of you.

A gloved hand tightened its grip over the cinnabar cannibal sword as the sound of his heavy breaths made you look up to meet with a pair of teal blue eyes and golden star mark over his neck.

His expression softened slightly upon seeing your fearful and tearful expression, making him move closer to you.


The sudden soft and soothing tone of the real Albedo filled your ears and snapped you out of your trance making your lips tremble slightly.

"He won't be a problem now..."

He muttered softly in a soft and delicate tone, before moving his hand to yours and putting it over his cheek interlacing your fingers together reassuring you that he was real.

He muttered softly in a soft and delicate tone, before moving his hand to yours and putting it over his cheek interlacing your fingers together reassuring you that he was real

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"Shh... It's alright..."
He whispered in a soothing manner trying to calm you down.

Slowly taking you out of the scene towards his lab again before turning his head towards the laying corpse over the thick snow.

However, it was gone...

"This is not over yet..."

He thought to himself before taking you out of the bloody scene.

(To be continued)

AN: the Albedo fanart is mine btw! You can see more genshin illustrations on my insta account (_artbyme1)

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