Chapter 3:The shadow force

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Aria stands alone in front of the glowing Tree of Knowledge, feeling a mix of emotions: excitement, fear, and wonder. She looks around, trying to get her bearings, but the forest seems to stretch on forever in every direction.

Suddenly, she hears a faint rustling in the bushes behind her. Aria turns to see a figure emerging from the trees. It's a young man with piercing blue eyes and jet-black hair, dressed in a leather tunic and carrying a sword at his side.

"Who are you?" Aria asks, her heart racing with anticipation.

"I am Eryn," the young man replies, his eyes locked on hers. "And you, Aria, are the key to unlocking the secrets of the Tree of Knowledge."

Aria feels a shiver run down her spine as Eryn approaches her. She can sense the power emanating from him, a power that seems to rival the tree's own energy.

Eryn's eyes seem to bore into Aria's soul, as if searching for something hidden deep within her. "You have been chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy," he says, his voice low and mysterious. "A prophecy that will determine the fate of this world and the next."

Aria's mind races with questions, but before she can ask any of them, Eryn reaches out and takes her hand. "Come," he says, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity. "We must begin your journey."

As Eryn leads her deeper into the forest, Aria feels a strange energy building inside her. She can sense the power of the Tree of Knowledge coursing through her veins, urging her towards a destiny she can't yet comprehend.

Suddenly, they hear a loud rumbling noise, like thunder in the distance. But the sky is clear, and Aria knows that this sound is something far more ominous.

The ground begins to shake, and the trees tremble with an eerie creaking sound. Aria's heart races as Eryn pulls her closer, his eyes fixed on something in the distance.

"What's happening?" Aria asks, her voice barely audible over the growing din.

"The Shadow Force," Eryn replies, his voice grim. "They're trying to stop us from fulfilling the prophecy."

Aria's eyes widen as a dark cloud descends upon them, casting a shadow over the forest. She can feel the malevolent energy emanating from it, a chilling presence that seems to seep into her very bones.

Eryn draws his sword, its blade shining with a faint blue light. "We must protect the Tree of Knowledge," he says, his eyes locked on the darkness. "And we must protect you, Aria. You are the key to everything."

Author's note: hey lovelies I hope you are enjoying the story?
Don't forget to like,share,and comment please, your baby girl will be so so happy 😭💃🏻

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