Chapter 5:The Secret Of The Tree

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Aria's heart glows brighter, and the Tree of Knowledge begins to glow in response. The Shadow Force halts its attack, seemingly afraid of the tree's power.

Eryn looks at Aria in awe. "You're the key," he says. "You're the one who can unlock the tree's secrets."

Aria's heart surges with energy, and she feels a flood of knowledge and visions bursting forth from the tree. She sees ancient civilizations, long-lost technologies, and hidden mysteries of the universe.

The tree's secrets are revealed to her, and she knows that her life will never be the same. She feels a sense of purpose, a sense of destiny calling.

But the Shadow Force won't give up easily. They launch a final, desperate attack, trying to claim the tree's power for themselves.

Aria's heart glows brighter, and she feels a surge of energy coursing through her veins. She raises her hand, and a blast of light shoots out, repelling the Shadow Force and sending them fleeing in terror.

Eryn watches in amazement as Aria's power awakens. "You're a true guardian of the Tree of Knowledge," he says, his eyes shining with pride.

Aria feels a sense of wonder and awe as she explores her newfound abilities. She can feel the tree's energy coursing through her, and she knows that she can use its power to protect the world from darkness.

But as she stands there, basking in the glow of her newfound power, a voice whispers in her ear. "You may have won this battle," it says, "but the war is far from over."

Aria turns to see a figure cloaked in shadows watching her from the trees. She knows that this is the Dark Lord, the mastermind behind the Shadow Force.

"The Tree of Knowledge is not the only source of power in this world," the Dark Lord hisses. "And soon, I will possess the ultimate power. You may have won this battle, Aria, but I will win the war."

Aria feels a shiver run down her spine as the Dark Lord's words echo in her mind. She knows that she must stop him, no matter what it takes.

Eryn steps forward, his sword at the ready. "We'll never let that happen," he says, his eyes locked on the Dark Lord.

The Dark Lord laughs, a cold, mirthless sound. "You are no match for me," he says. "But I will enjoy watching you try."

With that, he vanishes into the shadows, leaving Aria and Eryn to ponder their next move.

Aria and Eryn know that they must stop the Dark Lord, but they also know that it won't be an easy task. They decide to embark on a quest to gather allies and information, to prepare themselves for the ultimate battle.

Their first stop is the ancient library of Eldrador, where they hope to find clues about the Dark Lord's plans. As they journey through treacherous mountains and dark forests, they encounter strange creatures and unexpected challenges.

After many days of travel, they finally reach the library, a vast underground cavern filled with ancient texts and mysterious artifacts. Aria's heart races as she searches through the shelves, seeking answers to the questions that haunt her.

Suddenly, she finds a ancient tome bound in black leather. As she opens it, she discovers a dark prophecy that makes her blood run cold.

Author's note: Alhamdulillah I'm done with 5 chapters, just let me know if you are enjoying the story, should I continue writing the story or stop?
And please don't forget to like, share, and comment, it will really help your baby girl😩🥺

lol:lots of love ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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