Chapter 8 Survival

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"Come on," Edmund helped me up after a few minutes.

"We need to build a fire," I informed him, "for signalling and warmth." I paused, "Do you think we'll ever?"

"We will don't worry," he assured me.

I reached to touch my necklace, but it was gone. I couldn't have lost it.

Edmund noticed my distress, "What's wrong?"

"My necklace, I lost it," I explained.

"You'll live without it," he retorted.

"Edmund Pevensie, that's one of the cruellest things to say!" I shouted.

"It's true," he shrugged his shoulders, "Now go gather some wood."

"Am I your slave or something," I glared back at him.

He sighed, "You're starting to sound like Susan."

"And you like Peter," I complained.

"Why can't we at least not argue?" Ed asked.

I sat down, "We're siblings, siblings argue," I rolled my eyes, "Isn't it how we show our love for each other?"

"No, how we show our love for each other is how much we care for each other. Since when is quarrelling a part of love?" Edmund asked.

"Even the closest of siblings argue," I said."I'll get some wood; I felt for my sword and pen dagger, which are still there. I looked over at Edmund, he still had his."That is if it's dry," I added. It had stopped raining, but the outer part of the world would still be wet.

I took off the vest I wore over my blue tunic and went into the woods to gather wood. I carried it in a bundle using my vest.

"How is the wood?" Edmund asked.

"Damp a bit," I lay it on the floor grabbed my pen dagger and started peeling off the outer part.

Edmund had made a circle to mark our fire and then arranged the wood in a tepee formation. I watched as he rubbed two sticks together with his hands. No success.

He sighed, "I guess all those books you read were lying."

"No, they weren't," I retorted.

"You can't make a fire out of this," he pointed.

"Let me help you," I took the sticks from him, "You forgot to cut off the outer top." I used my pen dagger to cut off the bark from the sticks.

I handed it back to Edmund, who finally got the fire going, "How humiliating my younger sister knows more about starting a fire than I."

"I'm smarter," I replied.

He rolled his eyes, "I'm stronger and older."

"Whatever," I warmed my hands at the fire looking up at the stars. A song ran through my head. One from our world.

"Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee; E'en though it is a cross That raisers me; Still all my song shall be..." Tears came to my eyes, where was He? He didn't feel near now.

"Please help us," I whispered, "Please."

My brother pulled me to his side, holding me in his arms and comforting me.

3rd person Peter

"Peter!" Armand swung open the door a look of distress on his face.

"What's wrong?" Lucy asked.

"It's Edmund and Verity, they..." He began.

"What happened?" Peter inquired.

"They fell overboard both of them," he explained.

Beyond My Control Book #5Where stories live. Discover now