Chapter 7: Gian

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On the first fall day of September, Autumn pulled up to Southside country club, one of the few venues that the bride and groom agreed upon. Stepping out her car, she pulled her yellow cardigan tighter around herself, before the roar of a car snapped her attention to the dark blue suv pulling up.

"Is that your car?" She questioned as Gian stepped out of the vehicle.

"Yeah." A single key button locked the vehicle. "Back before I moved here again, I took my niece to school when her mother couldn't."

"Ah, so it's your little family car."

"Yep." Her heart flipped at his warm smile. "It's my little family car." Seeing the pure joy on his face at the memories, Autumn's burning eyes warned her about the dangerous territory, especially with how hormonal she's been.

"Ahem." She gestured to the venue. "Shall we?"

Gian nodded. "Lead the way."

Entering the country club, they were greeted by large stairs leading up to the second floor in front of them. Clacking heels gave way to a very neatly dressed woman with bonnet style hair and fancy country clothes that reminded Autumn of those rich, snobby judgmental women.

Her eyes brightened at the sight of them. "Mr and Mrs. Randle?"

"Oh, that's the bride and groom," Gian corrected. "We're the party planners."

The woman smiled widened. Was that even her real smile? "Ah, well I'm Martha. I'll be the one showing you around the venue." She gestured for them to follow. "If you would come right this way."

As they stepped into the living room, a voice whispered near her ear. "Ok." She flinched. "Am I the only one getting a country woman without a hair out of place but secretly a mess vibes from her?"

"Oh, I thought I was the only one." Autumn hissed back. "Her hair is styled just like those women in the movies my mother used to love. The ones that wear pencil skirts and are like the receptionist for some big company. You think she has a rich husband?"

"Maybe?" Gian frowned. "What's that style called anyways? Who decided to make them that high?" A hidden smile twitched his lips. "I just want to pat it down."

"I think they're called a bee hive."

Gian snorted. "Wait, does that mean she can make us honey?"

"While I can't make you honey"-They both jumped at the woman's voice- "I can offer you the best appetizers we have." Flashing them a sickly-sweet smile, she gestured to the platter of cold meats and cheeses. "Please help yourself. If you'll excuse me, I need to powder my nose really quick."

"Well, we have to choose this place now," Gian muttered once she was out of ear shot.

Autumn's face was practically on fire. "Pretty much." She groaned. "We practically insulted the woman."

Gian chuckled. "I did not think she could hear us."

"Well you are a pretty bad whisperer."

Gian's gaze snapped to her in mock offense. "Excuse you?" He puffed out his chest. "I'll have you know that I am the current winner of the game called telephone." He wiggled his eyebrow. "Don't know if you heard of it."

"Ah yes, forgive me." Autumn bowed, fighting off a building laugh in her chest. "Didn't know I would be in the presence of greatness."

"You better believe it."

Unable to fight it off any longer, she burst out laughing. Quickly, she turned her gaze away, not wanting him to see her teary eyes mess. Instead, she studied the receptionist area. Six white fancy leather chairs sat behind a marble countertop with a crystal chandelier hanging above them and dark oak tables surrounding them.

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