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It had been seven years since Sonic ended up in Station Square and was now working for GUN as Topaz's partner since Rouge was gone.

Sonic had stayed at Thorndyke Manor and for the first time since the Chaos Control accident was at Mobius but on a mission.

She was at Green Hill drifting right and left and jumping over a rock. A bird's eye view showed her weaving around the area. Then she jumped onto a rock high in the air before spin attacking a rock, breaking it. She stood for a brief moment and looked around, before spinning again, drifting into and stepping onto another clump of rocks, before shattering them. She spin attacked and destroyed another rock then looked around, spin dashed and broke another rock. She ran into another heap and dove with her fists and feet in the air. Then she pummeled and broke them, generating a cloud of dust. As the dust cleared, a green gem floated in front of her.

"Chaos Emerald." she said and held it with a smile. "There you are." she said and held it up high. "Chaos Control!" she said and disappeared in a ball of light with the Emerald, then reappeared, running on a narrow winding platform.

She grinded to a halt feeling a rumble as she noticed little birds flying upwards. She looked down at the pebbles moving about on the shaking ground, before looking ahead. A glowing sparking shockwave headed towards her, forcing her into her combat pose and tried to brace herself, but the shockwave engulfed her in a bright light getting her to enter the Void.

A clear ball of light appeared in a red core, with Silver peeling around it and Sonic's gloves reached towards it but she ended up back in Green Hill as a blizzard of bubbles and sparks scatter around her and the shockwave moved away.

"Silver." she said furiously to herself.

Later that evening Sonic sped through Green Hill, having cleared a straight line across the landscape, collecting rings at high speed. On the other side, Silver was dashing through Green Hill, collecting rings in the process. All of a sudden, he saw Shadow right in front of him and jumped off a grass ledge to smack him right in the face at full speed.

"Aaaahaagh!" he said and grunted as he was shocked by Sonic into the air hitting the ground on his back, slid until he stopped and got up in a sitting position. "Sonic?!"

"What did you do?!" Sonic asked.

"What did I do? Eggman's the bad guy, remember?"

'They didn't do something to her, did they?' he thought worried.

"You literally shook the world." she said charging at him but he dodged with an acrobatic jump and collected his dropped rings.

"What are you doing here?" he asked and dashed to avoid her Chaos Control while she chased him. "I thought you were working for GUN?" he said and tried to spin attack her, but she dodged, and stopped, letting him spin away from her.

"You need to stop, Silver, and listen for once!" she said and he came back and spun past her, causing him to flinch.

He did it again, causing her to flinch, growl and chase each other across the landscape. She ran along a path above him and jumped onto him with a direct hit, sending him flying but managed to stay on his feet. He kept running and tripped over a rock.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" he said and ran on his hands.

Then he looked upside-down and saw Sonic running towards him. He looked ahead and saw a clump of rocks so spin jumped over them and ran on his feet once again. Sonic plowed through them while Silver peeled and turned as he neared the wall, while she ran up the wall onto a path above him. She tried to spin jump onto him, but he put his hand on the ground and turned, dodging the attack. With him now behind her, he spun towards her, but she jumped onto a palm tree and spun around, hitting him and dropping rings. He slammed into another tree and dropped more rings, but got up, picking up some coconuts.

"I could do this all- day!" he said and thought about the fight they had when he thought she was the cause of his time.

Then he threw the coconuts at her, but she quickly stepped both sides, dodging the coconuts. With Silver behind the palm tree, she charged and went for a punch, but he peeled around the tree, causing her to punch the tree and bend it diagonally. She chased him up the tree and they jumped off at the top. While Silver flew, Sonic used Chaos Control to teleport to him and hit him from behind, dropping more rings and causing him to tumble as he fell.

"Who-o-o-a!" he said and screamed before hitting the ground, while Sonic landed safely and he groaned and held back. "Clearly you're angry." he said and peeled out, while she chased after him. "But I'm supposed to be on a bit of a mission here, Sonic!" he said while flying now.

"So am I." Sonic said.

"What?" he said and landed on the ground.

They spun around a clear area of the landscape as some Flickies gather around and watch the action. After crossing over one another, Silver spun around Sonic, creating a White Tornado. Sonic retaliated by spinning up a Blue Tornado that grew taller then chased him spin attack him, hitting his feet and causing him to fly in the air. She tried a Homing Attack, but he dodged, landed and jumped away. They chased each other again and she punched him with a direct hit, sending him flying, crash landing and sliding on the ground, hurtling into a rock where Flickies were sitting. They tweeted with concern as he hit the rock, groaned and rubbed his head in pain.

"Don't worry, guys, I'll calm her down." he said to the Flickies and she charged at him again scaring the Flickies, but he dodged so she bounced off a rock and chased him. "Dude, whatever the beef, we're not gonna settle it this way." he said and they turned and tried to spin attack each other.

Sonic teleported and went for a high punch, but Silver slid underneath to dodge it. She tried to Foot Sweep him, but he cartwheeled to dodge. With them facing each other, Sonic teleported again to hit him, but he dodged again and spun at her, but she handstands to dodge. She spin dashed at him and went for the punch, but he evaded her and break-danced to attack, but she dodges again. They spin dash into each other, on the ground, and then in the air. A bright white light flashed and they fainted on the ground then got to their feet, panting. An explosion appeared where the others were waiting, causing Silver to gasp.

"Oh, no! Guys! Look, Sonic, I'm late-" Silver started but turned his head to see Sonic's fist in his face, causing him to go dizzy and forget everything after that punch.

"Learn to focus." Sonic said. "And they were my friends before yours!" she said when he gasped in horror.

"Oh, no!" he said pointing overhead. "Eggman!"

"Huh?" she said, looked to where he was pointing and he spin dashed her into the wall and peeled out in the other direction.

"Hate to hit and run, but I gotta split, Sonic." he said, winked as he ran while collecting rings.

Sonic broke free from the rocks, frustrated at what he did and started heading in the same direction, running into Big, who was simply whistling with his fishing rod with his best friend, Froggy, by his side, along the way.

"Whoa... uh... Sonic?" Big said.

As soon as Sonic ran past Big, she spun around until tumbling back to the ground. Soon, she managed to make it to Temple Mountain. She looked across at Silver, who was determined to stop Eggman in time before he stole the Paradox Prism. Sonic started to spin-dash towards Silver.

"Silver, no!" Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Rouge yelled.

"Chaos Control!" Sonic said jumping midair while holding out a Chaos Emerald in her hand as the Paradox Prism was shattered by Silver.

A rainbow multitude of colors were scattering, caused by the Prism's shatter. Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Rouge were flying midair from the Paradox Prism's shattering, and it soon moved to Sonic, still floating midair while holding the Chaos Emerald. Suddenly, she disappeared, and everything turned to pitch darkness.

Meanwhile the Shatterverse, with Silver entering it unconscious, and floating off into a certain direction when Sonic appeared again, looking around at what Silver had done.

"Silver." she said angrily, traversed and teleported through the void to find him.

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