Humans are just another species of animal. We are mammals believe it or not; yet we act superior to the creatures we share the earth with. 'Its just a dog' or dear, or cat or any other animal. We are just humans. Maybe we...
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...It hurts...
Dying was not fun. In fact, it was very painful.
When you died, you died in a hospital. Hands touching you and trying to stabilize you. It was a... experience. What you found interesting though, was death. When you woke up you were alive and breathing, yet you couldn't move, couldn't speak past cries and an occasional 'wa', and could barely see anything through this hazy eyesight you now had.
"My beautiful baby girl." Your mother sobbed in glee most days. "She's just so damn cute!" She'd explain to your father. A classic case of cuteness aggression.
"Language around our baby, honey." He'd remind her. They were a nice couple.
Sufficed to say, you did not enjoy around the first 8 weeks of life but, they made it nicer than it should have been. It was a blurry mess; you didn't even realize how hard it was to see as an infant. Oh yeah, you were now an infant!
A tiny baby who wouldn't even pick your own boogers. Instead, your mother used a small turkey baster to suck them out of your head; all you could do was fuss about it! When you started to be able to walk on your own, that was when you found joy again! You can run away from that woman and all her gadgets!
Sadly, your father was always faster than you. You liked to think you put up a good fight. Especially that one time at the store! You managed to escape the store entirely before a short woman in a police uniform caught up to you.
You were basically a prodigy. You were speaking before everyone else, walking and even running before them too! Well, one of those things was true and it wasn't the speaking before everyone else. You were, sadly, not in an English-speaking part of the world. So, you had to learn a new language! "Nee... Neehong!" You'd struggle and the smart-ass toddler next to you would look confused at what you had just said.
"Nihon?" She's tilted her head confused and giggle and clap when the adults would praise her. You don't remember her name, but you do remember not liking her. Japan, Nihon, 日本, they were all the same things!
"It's okay honey." Your mother would smile at you. "We just need to practice more!" She'd say before pulling out colorful flashcards. If you had been born in an English-speaking part of the world, you would have killed it. Instead, you were further behind on your words and speaking than anyone else- but you overcame it in the end! It was a heroic and long tale of overcoming adversity! You had fought alongside your mother to-
Anyway... Your mother was supportive and your father, he wasn't around the most. When he was, he was a great father.