Chapter 8: The Appointment

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Sitting in the obstetrician's lobby, Autumn's foot tapped against the tile floor.

Tap, tap, tap, tap. Her heart knocked against her ribs, while her hands clenched and unclenched the edge of her shirt. To say she was nervous was an understatement. Any minute longer and she might start crying.

"Autumn, breathe." Heather grabbed her hand, giving it a small squeeze. "Just breathe."

"That's easy for you to say." She wiped a frustrated tear away. "You're not carrying a little being inside of you." Her hand cupped her stomach. "I'm so worried, Heather."

"Hey," Heather squeezed her hand harder. "You have been taking care of this baby ever since you found out about it. Everything is going to be ok." Leaning forward, she pressed her hand against Autumn's belly. "You hear me? You're going to be just fine."

Chuckling, Autumn wiped another tear away. "I'm only eight weeks old. It can't even hear you."

"Well it's the thought that counts." Heather smiled. "Though speaking of thought, Gian told me what happened at the restaurant."

Autumn grimaced. "He shouldn't have asked that." Her hands clenched together. "He had no right."

"Maybe the question was a bit personal, but he came with good intentions. If you're going to help me with my wedding Autumn, then we have to know what you can and can't have."

Heather sighed. "Let's say there are wines to sample. Gian can sample the wines while you take down his notes. He was just trying to be nice."

Autumn turned away with a clenched jaw. She saw Heather's point, especially further along in the pregnancy. If he already knew then that could ease a lot of stress. Letting out a sigh, she ran a hand through her hair. "I need to talk to him."

"Yeah, you do."

Suddenly, the door opened up, revealing the waiting nurse. "But not right now. Now, we get to see my new niece or nephew!" At Heather's squeal, Autumn rolled her eyes and stood up, pulling Heather into a tight hug as they headed to the back.

Running through the paperwork and exams, it was finally time for the ultrasound. Autumn held her breath as the tech squirted the cold liquid onto her bare stomach. "Well see if this works." She shivered as the monitor pressed into her cold stomach. ""

A sequel snapped her gaze to Heather who gestured excitingly to the screen. "Look!"

She turned her head to the monitor. Her heart leaped into her stomach. Right there, tiny and curled up was her baby.

"And there they are." Too many emotions swelled in her chest: joy, relief, hope. Everything threatened to suffocate her under worry and stress. This is it. This is real. I'm actually going to be a mother. The first tear fell. What if I'm not a good mother? What if I'm a horrible mother? What if I can't do this?

She was going to be taking care of a living breathing being for eighteen years. This wasn't a dog or cat that had seven to twelve years. She would forever be a mother.

Another tear fell.

The thought terrified her. Covering her mouth, she muffled the sob that escaped. Her gaze met Heather's. "What if I can't do this?"

Heather was at her side instantly. "Calm down and breathe." She squeezed her arm. "Breathe Autumn."

Autumn took a few deep breaths. As she took another, she could see her child move with each one of them. Heather squeezed her arm. "We talked about this, remember? You're going to be an amazing mother, and you're not alone. I will be here to spoil the little one one-hundred percent."

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