Death of the merchant

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As the shower stops running, so does your heart, everything is ready, you feel nervous for what'll come next, your path is clear, you know there's no turning back after this, might as well enjoy the little time that remains...

As the lamb walks out of the bathroom covered by a towel, you are immediately met by a worrying sight that had escaped you until now, the lamb had broken shackles on their neck, wrists, and ankles. These seem rusted, worn and weathered, it's more than apparent that they're uncomfortable and tight.

The lamb seems to pick up on your concerned look, as they diverted their gaze as they spoke, "look, don't think to hard on it, it's a long story and they're impossible to remove" your stare didn't falter, "*sigh*, believe me, I've tried, these are not worth wasting your time, you're helping me enough as you already are" those words did little to consult you, but you decide to listen to their word

"I left you some clothes on that counter, I think you'll find them useful on your travels" you pointed to the clothes you wished to gift them, "I'll set the table while you change." The lamb thanked you as they grabbed their clothes and headed back to the bathroom.


The lamb comes out of the bathroom shortly after, the table's been set and dinner is served, the clothes you gave the lamb fit them to perfection, these consists on brown boots, some light green bell pants held up by a simple red scarf belt, a beige shirt with red markings, and a long cloak that resembles leaves.

"I hope those clothes are to your liking, they are made with survival in mind", that getup will not be enough ensure their survival, hopefully the lamb knows how to hunt and/or gather

"Oh! Thank you for your consideration", the lamb says as their stomach begins to grumble

"Come, take a seat, you'll need a full stomach for your travels", you point over at the lamb's plate

As the lamb takes the first bite, their ears spring up and their eyes glisten, you're happy they enjoy it, you can't help but think their reaction is quite cute. "So, mind telling me why Leshy is hunting your kind?" You say with an air of concern, intrigue, and anger.

As close as you were with Lev, he never bothered to tell you the reason lamb's were being hunted, he didn't want to remember now that he had a new life and felt safe, same with his children.

The lamb stopped eating for a few seconds, you also stopped In surprise, for a few seconds the silence was deafening, until the lamb finally spoke, "I don't know the details but... It seems to have something to do with the one that took Leshy's eye".

You were intrigued, your clan never worshiped any of the bishops, so you didn't really know much about the ones who did, nor did you know about Leshy being blind, this figure must be an ancient enemy of Leshy's, maybe even an enemy of some of the other bishops.

The lamb seemed tense after that question, you didn't want to open old wounds, you got your answer anyway, might as well lighten up the mood. "I see... anyways, what do you think about the food?" The lamb's ears immediately perked up and their eyes went wide, " the food's lovely! I used to be a cook, but I've never seen this dish before, could you tell me how you made it?" the lamb seemed excited to learn a new recipe, you could barely tell but you were certain their tail was wagging, they were almost climbing on the table waiting for an answer.


The night went better than you expected,you told them your name, you and the lamb bonded over dinner and shared recipes and stories, you had taken a liking to the lamb, they shared your passion for making dishes that came from far and wide, they were energetic and joyful, also quite snarky and sarcastic, they flustered up pretty quickly, you found that out when you accidentally called their tail wag cute while eating. You wanted to take out some wine to share but you quickly realized how late it was, the night was coming to a close and it wouldn't be a good idea to send them out while they were wasted, you had long since finished eating and you remembered you had one last gift before they left...

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