enchanting voices

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As the sound of running water fills your home, you go upstairs to fetch some new clothes for your guest. You didn't have the time to make something in their size, so some of your old clothes will have to do for now

The lamb was being hunted, so you needed to get them something mobile and light, you had a good idea of what you could get them, the robes you planned to give them were easily adjustable, so that was a plus... Then you heard a Very. Familiar. Voice
"What's cooking good-lookin~"a familiar face presented itself blocking the door

"L-Lev?..." Your eyes widened as tears threatened to spill

You looked behind you only to see something even more confusing, it was you, and you seemed to be hanging up some newly crafted robes, it took you only a second to realize those robes were the ones you gifted Lev on your first anniversary,

"I have my ways! Anyways, whatcha have there?" Lev held his usual smirk and casual demeanor, you on the other hand, seemed apprehensive to answer that question.

"you've been occupied the whole day, I've barely gotten to speak with you, is this why? Come on, tell me, I'm curious about what has been hugging your attention!"

"Fine, I'll tell you, I've been preparing a little something to celebrate the day we started dating, it's just that it's taken a bit longer than anticipated, the things this cost were hell to come by" you were happy to get the present off your chest, you didn't like keeping Lev in the dark

"Oh! Now I'm even more curious! I need to know what you made me! No! wait! I don't want you to spoil the surprise! I'll wait." Lev then seemed to realize something, " SHIT! I HAVEN'T GOTTEN YOU ANYTHING! I'm so sorry! I- I'll make it up to you! T-there's still a few days left, I- I need to go, I'll make you something nice, kay? See ya hun!" And before you could get another word in, he left, you couldn't help but chuckle at his forgetfulness.

You were on the verge of tears, your hands were shaking, your breath was raspy at best. This scene played Infront of your eyes, it felt so... Real. When you looked at the spot where Lev's robes were held, you saw your hard work turn into ashes. And when you blinked it was gone, you were definitely seeing things, and your only guess is that it has something to do with the books you've been reading. Chemach warned you that witchcraft could mess with your mind, but you didn't expect it to happen so soon.

You felt very uncomfortable staying in this room, so you grabbed the robes and stormed out.

You set the clothes aside for now, you had wasted enough time already, you needed to make food for you and the lamb, and you had the perfect dish in mind, a traditional dish from far off the lands of the old faith, Kabsa Saudita.

Picture fragrant spices, meticulously blended, infusing tender meat and aromatic rice. Each bite reveals a harmony of cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves, complemented by caramelized onions and tangy tomatoes. It's a culinary symphony born from slow simmering and careful seasoning, inviting you to savor every moment of this exotic delight.

You were going to make sure this dish was perfect, this wasn't the first time you made this dish, so preparing all the ingredients would be child's play for you, but while you were cutting some onions...you felt someone hug you from behind, a shiver ran down your spine as your breath hitched

"Are you preparing kabsa? My favorite! Here let me help you" Lev's voice ringed in your ears, he seemed corporeal, and this didn't seem to be a memory, then it hit you. Lev was extremely clumsy, whenever he tried to help you cook, you basically had to dance around him and cook while things went astray... Just like old times

The kitchen became your dance floor as both of you danced together in a chaotic walts. Every mistake Lev clumsily made was quickly stopped in it's tracks as you kept him from falling as you corrected his mistake. each spice, grain, and veggie was a step in your walts, together you'd make a spectacular dish, Lev knew he was clumsy, yet he knew you were at your sharpest when he clumsily helped you. As your walts went on, memories started to flow, ones you had long since locked away In the depths of your subconscious, both good and bad, with each stepped you remembered more and more, your first date, Lev's celebrations, his first consumable meal, and even your first dance. Tears are streaming down your eyes as Lev tries to wipe them away, you can't help but give a genuine dumb smile.

As the dish comes to an end, so does your walts, Lev hugs you from behind once more as you turn off the stove.

"It wasn't your fault, you know that? If anything I should be the one apologizing" you were wondering when this would happen

"Even so, I could have done something, if I just stayed I could have-" Lev cut you off, "you couldn't have done anything, and you know that, I'm not real dummy, I  know what you're thinking" you had nothing else to say, "look, if you really want revenge, you're going to have to move on, just look at you, you're miserable thinking about me." You blurted out, "so you want me to forget?" Lev seemed annoyed at your response, "I don't, and you know that, I just want you to stop hurting, what happened is done, so hold onto those memories and accept that I'm gone" Lev's hug seemed to tighten.

"you know I loved you, right?" You said solemnly

"I loved you too, and that's all the more reason to let me go" Lev stopped hugging you, you didn't dare look back.


The running water finally stopped

Word counter: 1028
I may have underestimated the time it'd take me to write the 5 chapters
Hope you're enjoying this one though

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