Superman and supergirl metallo attack

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Villain 1: oh crap, ahh boss we got to heroes in the front of the bank what do you want to do? I don't know how we're gonna stop them.

Boss villain: don't worry this is just part of the plan. It's all coming together until phase 2 starts we will head to phase 3, and catch them by surprise.


He punched both robbers on the side of their heads and they went through the side of the wall.

Toshinori: You two are both safe now and we are heeeee........

Big boss: So predictable you hero's are always going to save people that are in danger but never yourselves.

Toshinori was shocked that the people he just saved were illusions that the main boss created to distract him.

Toshinori: you won't get away with this villain we are here to stop you

Big boss: oh are you little sidekick, acting so big and tough trying to stop me after being fooled by an illusion that looks so real and so lifelike to get sucker punched in the face while you're master or your friend is there watching while I beat the utter living crap out of you little hero, so it's gonna be fight me and get all these people in here hurt or let me go and take the money so you guys won't see me your choice.

Nana: will let you go just don't hurt these people.

Big boss: Smart hero what does that say for you sidekick?

Toshinori: I'd say not a chance. SSSSSMMMMAAASSSHHH!!!!!!!

Big Boss: I knew it was a losing battle for me so I decided to take a last hurrah for myself that you two are here and all the way over there the tracks of 200 miles per hour bullet train will crash killing the people who are in the train and in the streets.

Toshinori: you damn bastard why would you put innocent lives in danger.

Big boss: to see hero's like you fail and blame yourselves for this all of the other heroes can't make it there and you have the power but you can't stop it from being destroyed you have lost hero.

Superman: Is everyone alright?

Conductor: all of the passengers have minor bruises but we are all fine thank you for the save Superman.

Superman: just doing my job you all have a good day.

He left and then he saw two of his friends on the roof and he paid them a visit.

Superman: Nana and Toshinori it is good to see you two again.

Nana: like wise Superman . And thanks for the save

Superman: no problem. Hey is there something wrong Toshinori?

Toshinori: it was my fault I was reckless if I followed the plan I I I I.

Superman: it's alright toshinori you made a mistake that's what happens when you become a hero.

Toshinori: but you don't make mistakes because you are Superman and you don't fail either.

Superman: well that was wrong I did fail.

Toshinori: what did you mean you failed?

Superman: well I failed to save a child my godson Nathan from sinister he put a techno virus in him and I wasn't fast enough to save him and during that time I was thinking about hanging up the cape entirely but I knew that the world still needs me and I want to tell you that don't blame yourself for what happened earlier because this city and all of Japan will look up to you as their hero to guide them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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