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I wait for Ezra to go off his phone and try to talk to me, just like the majority of my new siblings—as well as parents—have, but he doesn't. He just stays on his phone, his brows crinkled slightly in what I can't differentiate between confusion and frustration.

I finish my food, and he looks over at me. "You ready to go?"

     I nod.

"Alright." He stands, and I stand too. He drops money onto the table, then begins to lead me back out to the car. We don't talk on the drive home, either, except when I thank him for the food, to which he only replies with a small nod.

He takes me up to the top floor, then unlocks the door with a key. He opens the door for me, and I step inside with a quiet, "thank you."

My mother comes out of the living room and grins at us. "Hey guys! How was lunch?"

"Good." I whisper. "I need to take my nap now."

"Oh, okay." She says. "Do you need me to wake you up?"

"I can just set an alarm. Thanks, though." I rush past her and go to my bedroom quickly. I don't want Layla to see me and torment me even more than she's already began to.

I yawn and get changed into more comfortable clothes and set my alarm before getting into the comfortable bed. I close my eyes, wrapping an extra blanket around myself because it's suddenly freezing.

I fall asleep quickly.

When I wake up again, it's to my alarm. I turn it off and sigh, sitting up in the bed. I yawn and rub my eyes with the heels of my hands, picking my phone up and scrolling on it for a couple minutes. The door to my room opens, and my mother steps inside.

     "Oh, good. You're awake." She says.


     "How're you feeling?"

     "Fine." I yawn again.

"Do you wanna come food shopping with your father and I? You can choose things that you like so we know what to get you in the future."

"Okay.." I whisper.

She smiles. "Alright. Why don't you get changed back?We can leave when you're ready."

"Okay." I repeat. She leaves, and I put the clothes I had on earlier back on, then leave the room, pocketing my phone after brushing through my messy hair.

I go into the hall, where my mother and father are waiting. They're by the front door, and they both look at me as I walk over.

"You ready?" My father questions, almost impatiently, like he's been itching to leave the house.

     I nod.

     He turns and opens the door. My mother walks through, and he motions for me to go too. I whisper a small, "thanks" as he holds the door open for me, then shuts it and locks it behind him. I'm sandwiched between him and my mother, the former behind me and the latter in front of me, as we make our way to the lift. We step inside, and I back myself into one of the corners, curling my arms around my waist as a large yawn escapes my mouth.

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