Darth Maul then attacks Qui-Gon, he side steps him as he goes to stab him.. Obi-Wan, he is watching him through the force field, with his angry eyes.. A Qui-Gon comes around behind Darth Maul, he tries to slice and dice him with his lightsaber.. But Maul spins around and they continue to do the Jedi dance.. When just force field doors open, Qui-Gon is hit and falls to the ground.. Finally the force field drops, Obi-Wan runs into where Maul is about to stab Qui-Gon.. He has his lightsaber out as he runs towards Maul.. He looks at Obi-Wan with hate, as they begin the Jedi dance.. Darth Maul is down, he falls back over Qui-Gon, who tries to grab at him.. But he evades Qui-Gon and Force jumps over Obi-Wan.. After a few more force jumps, lightsabers whooshing away, Darth Maul causes Obi-Wan to lose his lightsaber.. He then falls over the edge of the drop in the generator room.. Darth Maul then kicked Obi-Wan's lightsaber over the edge... Darth Maul then turns to Qui-Gon again.. He has stood up, but he is injured, you can see the blood on his tunic.. As they face off again..
"Yes we have power!" Anakin said, as he flicked some switches... "Good, now I can shoot them." Cade said.. "Shields up." Anakin said.. "Oh yeah! Take that droids." Cade yelled with excitement.. "Cade, this is no time to play." Ashlyn said, looking up to see the Droids pointing guns at them... "Oops! Come on Anakin, get us out of here." Cade said as he looked around.. "Ani, I think the ship is going to explode.." Ashlyn said to him in a calm voice.. "I think they are just losing power." Anakin said, with a grin.. "Let's go, Anakin!." Cade yelled at him.. R2 is beeping frantically.. "The ship is blowing up from the inside." The Pilot said as she watched in amazement.. "Now this is pod racing!" Anakin said.. "Whoo Hoo!" Cade said, laughing.. "Oh My Stars! I am so, so excited!" Ashlyn yelled with glee.. R2 is now beeping happily.. Cade, Ashlyn and Anakin shoot out of the droid ship, it begins to explode.. "We did it!" Pilot said..
All bots are now powering down.. "Was'n they doing?" Jar Jar asked.. "The control ship had been destroyed. Look." General said, pointing to the fireball in the sky.. "They broke-ed!" Jar Jar said with excitement.. All Gungans pushing bots over.. All cheering..
Darth Maul is taunting Qui-Gon now, he knows he is beginning to show signs of giving in.. Meanwhile Obi-Wan, who is made of tough stuff.. He is watching Qui-Gon, he can see he is having a hard time of it.. Then Obi-Wan Force jumps up onto the platform, as he does, Qui-Gon throws him his lightsaber and runs to the corner of the room.. Obi-Wan takes the lightsaber and attacks Darth Maul.. He then takes the Red Devil down, by Slicing him in two.. Down, down, down he goes into the huge void that houses the generator.. Bye Bye Red Devil.. Obi-Wan runs to Qui-Gon.. He cradles his head.. "You did well my young apprentice." Qui-Gon whispers.. "No!" Obi-Wan said.. "Obi-Wan." Qui-Gon whispers.. "Yes Master." Obi-Wan replies.. He reaches up and touches Obi-Wan.. "He's the chosen one. He ...... will bring balance to the Force." Qui-Gon said to him.. Obi-Wan nods.. "You must train Anakin.." Qui-Gon whispered.. "Yes, Master." Obi-Wan said to him, as he finally blacks out. "No!" Cade said looking at Anakin.. "Master Qui-Gon." Anakin said looking at Ashlyn.. "He is just hurt, he will be fine." Ashlyn said with a smile.........
In the city square a ship has arrived.. "Now Viceroy, you're going to have to go back to the Senate and explain all this." Padme said to him.. "I think you can kiss your Trade franchise goodbye." Kina said to him.. Senator Palpatine has arrived with a huge smile on his face.. "We are indebted to you Obi-Wan Kenobi, for your bravery. I do hope that Qui-Gon Jinn will make a full recovery." Palatine said to him.. "Thank you Sir, I am sure he will." Obi-Wan replied.. Palatine then looked down at the boys.. "And you young Skywalker's, we will be watching your career with great interest." Senator Palpatine said.. As for the first time ever, Ashlyn grabs Obi-Wan's hand and holds on.. "Congratulations on your election, Chancellor." Padme said.. "Your boldness has saved our People, Your Majesty.. It's you who should be congratulated. Together we shall bring peace and prosperity to the Republic." Palpatine said.. "I don't think so." Ashlyn whispered to herself.. As Obi-Wan looked down at her and frowned...
star wars the phantom menace❤️
FanfictionAnakin skywalker has a twin sister Ashlyn skywalker and younger brother Cade skywalker