Chapter two: So Wholesome❤️

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Eventually, Mind and Miku made it to the bottom of the cliff, and took a moment to rest before looking ahead, and finding Heart and Soul, who were fortunately perfectly fine.
Mind instantly felt a sense of relief seeing they were alive and seemingly unharmed, especially Soul. He hated to admit it, but despite lambasting him the entire climb down, he was happy to see Heart was okay too. Maybe he was a bit too harsh before.
He started to tear up again as he rushed over to them in a hurry, and pulled them both into a big hug. He was never really the emotional type, but he felt it was an appropriate time to be vulnerable.
"I'm so glad you're both okay, please NEVER do something that stupid ever again... I don't know what I'd do without you guys!" He said, as tears started to form in his eyes once again, though this time they were of joy, and not of rage.
Though Heart was happy Mind has stopped insulting his entire bloodline, he felt a bit confused by the sudden embrace.
"Really..?? You mean that for both of us??" He asked, still seemingly shaken up from all the yelling.
"Yes, of COURSE you, too." He responded as if it was obvious. "I know you can be stupid and idiotic all the time, but you're still... To some extent... My friend. I'm sorry for everything I said up there, the climb and finally seeing you both safe and okay really made me think. But whether I'd like to admit it or not, I do care about you, Heart, and we wouldn't be Whole without you."
"Awwww, thanks man! Sorry, I just... I didn't expect something like this...!" Heart responded, already seeming to burst into tears, which was typical for him.
Soul tightened the hug, absolutely relieved that they weren't fighting, yelling, and screaming like usual.
"I'm so glad you two are finally getting along!" He beamed.
"Yeah, I know... And I mean it." Mind sighed and pulled away. "Heart, it's not that I hate you... I just think you can be incredibly stupid and foolish at times and not realize the damage you're doing. I'm deeply sorry for yelling earlier, it just got out of hand in the heat of the moment... I was just worried sick."
He looked at both of them, double checking to make sure they didn't appear to be seriously injured.
"...And I still am." He continued. "Please promise you'll never do something as stupid as that ever again."
Heart and Soul both nodded in agreement, assuring to him they'd never do something as stupid as fall off a cliff again, even as an accident.
"Mannn, you guys are the best!" Heart exclaimed.
"I know, I know, I'm amazing, Soul here's amazing, and I guess at times you're pretty amazing too." Mind chuckled as he turned back to Miku, who had been peacefully watching the interaction. She was happy they had figured things out peacefully.
"Now let's get home, I'm freezing and exhausted."
He began to climb back up the cliff, with Heart and Soul following.
"How wholesome!" Miku happily smiled. She was so happy absolutely nothing could come and ruin this lovely, sweet moment, like a giant evil floating pizza invading.
"Miku, are you coming or do you plan on just staying down here all day??" Soul called out as he began to follow Mind onto the rocks.
Miku snapped out of her delightful daydream and dashed to catch up with them. She was so delighted that they were able to figure this whole argument out. Then a pipe bomb went off.

Heart and Soul Fall off a Fvcking Cliff and Get Kidnapped by an Evil Guy(CCCC)Where stories live. Discover now