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'get on ur knees' he told me to get on my knees

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'get on ur knees' he told me to get on my knees. i wanted to resist and scream for help but the things he said to me made me feel so vulnerable. I felt so small with him, I felt so useless. so disgusted, I hated myself for being so reckless. until I felt him fisting my hair into a ball and forcing himself onto me, forcing me to do shit I didn't want to. 'come on be a good girl and suck it.' I didn't wanna do this I tried and tried to get away and it didn't work, 

he's to strong for me I couldn't do anything.. 'now be a good girl and lay on ur back' I didn't budge, I didn't move, I froze. I wanted to move

only I couldn't. until he flipped me by force and he tried to fit it in by slamming it in me 'cmon babygirl, you know you like it' only I didn't. I tried moving my feet in the air pushing him away but he's holding it tightly and it hurts like hell, I never have broken my virginity and each thrust it hurts so bad I feel so uncomfortable it hurts and I wanna go home.. 'oh god you feel good, ur so tight' I blacked out after.

this time I woke up in an alleyway by the club , I sat up  with all my stuff and clothes. the fucker at least charged my phone, I cant even get up. it hurts so bad I fell back down crying

while Im unlocking my phone I go to a supermarkt bathroom and try to fix myself up in the best way I could after that I walk home with my heels in my hands and wobbly feet because I cant even fucking walk the only this supporting me is the railing, I paid for a train ticket and sat in the train, i texted with matt.

matteoooooo 🦍

"Valencia Russo, where the fuck are you?"

"I was at a hotel sorry im omw"✓✓

'fine, but be quick, oh yeah nobody is home so the guard will open the door for you."


I got off the train 15 minutes ago. im almost home just 5 minutes of walking... ping! the sound came from my phone, I unlocked it and saw a new message from an unknown number, I checked to see the message, and it showed me a video.. I froze. Wtf? who is this? how did they get this? wait he filmed them..? 

I almost fell down on how unstable I was. I got home.. I immediately went to the bathroom and went into the shower and tried to scrub his touch of me it hurted so bad I had to sit down in the shower.

after I got out of the shower, I stil felt his touch onto me, I brushed my teeth and got in my bed ping! another message, again the unknown number... what do I do? im so scared. I didn't click on the video in the end. I just blocked him. 

I heard the front door open, 'Valenciaaa!! im home' its Matteo. do I tell him? what do I do.? im terrified, I cant be seen like this its all my fault if I just didn't accept the drink and ignored the man I would be fine, nothing would be wrong, 'Valencia. come downstairs!!' I really didnt want to, I just wanted to sleep, I just wanted to sleep the feeling off of him I didn't wanna go near anyone, 

I didn't want to see anyone. if anyone saw me, I feel like they could already tell im disgusting. 'ey val' Dominic. he came home with my brother. he's in my room. why is he in my room? 'what do you want, go away dom' fuck, was it obvious, I was already crying I mean, that man I swear he has like some spidersenses or something, 'uhh matt just wanted to see if you wanted to eat some-' I didn't wanna eat anything 

'omg Dominic, go away I dont wanna see anyone, I dont want ur nasty ass food or anything I dont give a fuck just go away, please..' I swear Dominic is so fucking annoying I cant stand him for 1 second  'oh okay, dont disrespect me like that next time, understood?'

'mhm yeah whatever.' he left and I cried myself to sleep.

' he left and I cried myself to sleep

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after I arrived at Matteo's house, I was starved, we where at the theme park all day, but when I went to pick him up, I didn't see valencia at all today, I mean I was hanging out at his place all morning, and didn't see valencia all day, maybe its nothing, Its not my business anyway. 'hey matt, where was valencia all day?'  'you know how I went to the club with her last night?' this man with clubs I swear he cant keep his dick in his pants. 

'yeah? wait val? why the fuck would you bring here' 'uhm I wanted to bring her with me, so if the first time she goes, she wouldn't have to sneak out alone, and then I left he-' I choked on my water 'you what?' 'uhh yeah? But she ended up getting a hotelroom! so nothing bad happend' he really cant take responsibilities, can he? 'ugh fine' 'oh yeah dom' 'what?' 'what did she want to eat' I sighed saying 'long story short she cussed me out and told me to fuck off and that she didn't want to eat' 'oh damn, well sometimes she is feisty..' he chuckled 'whatever just get me a chicken teriyaki bowl.' I got up and sat down at there couch.

I was tired as fuck, as I watched the news, until I saw Valencia's phone, I just left it there until I saw a notification pop up 'ping! "unknown number sended image.png 567093" whatever its probably a friend, I left her phone back on the table until she came downstairs 'hey uhh has anyone seen my phone? her eyes were red and puffy, was she crying? 'o-oh uhm its here' I nodded for her to get it 'thanks nerd' 'pfft as if, you just know im smarter' 'uhh yeah dumbass that's why I said it' she sniffled wiping her nose 'whats up?' 'huh? oh its nothing I got a cold and im tired.' 'okay now get out of my view bastard' 'mhm whatever' 

What, no response? she always said something stupid to me when I called her names. what the fuck is up with her??


GUYSS THIS IS THE LONGEST CHAPTER I WROTE OMGG it was so hard for me to write this chapter It took me like a few hours😭 but Dominic mentionedddd!!!!  what do we think of him?

✎word count: 1166


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