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He never wanted that, his client wanted a hardcopy document. Is a softcopy document okay? He replied to a text message only to be disappointed, his client only wanted a hardcopy document. He feels difficult to breathe, all his past trauma flashes right into his eyes, he feels so helpless yet pathetic. He can't help but sob lightly.

Hyung, Hyung are you okay? Taehyung asked coming downstairs, munching his snacks. He saw his only hyung sobbing slightly sitting in front of his laptop. Namjoon hyung, are you okay, he again asked feeling no reply lingering around his ear drums. Joon shook his head gently, agreeing to the fact that he wasn't fine. My client tae, he wants a hardcopy document. Namjoon said and taehyung understood the whole situation. Hyung, it's been so long, why are you still holding the past. Try to overcome your phobia, I'll help you. Tae said, again munching his chips. He leaned to namjoon's chair and ruffled his hyung's hair slightly trying to comfort him.

It's not easy tae, it's been years since I've had agoraphobia, I probably am in the peek stage. Namjoon said as he again felt the pool of tears about to drip down his eyes. He closed his eyes tightly, feeling so weak, he needed to overcome the phobia, he knew, he would have to overcome the phobia even just for the sake of his only younger brother, but he just can't help it. Tae help me, help me to get these documents to my client. Namjoon said, as it was the only option left. But hyung~ taehyung tried to say something but got cut by namjoon's words. Tae please. Namjoon said with teary eyes. Taehyung couldn't help but to agree with Hyung's words.

Taehyung had left to deliver the hardcopy document to his brother's client. His brother was an online book writer, sometimes writes article and even do free lancing sometimes. So, he was going due to his brother free lancing job.

Namjoon was alone at his home. He was already missing his brother as he was the only one in his life. Since he have agoraphobia, he feared to step outside his home, leading to less interaction with peoples outside. In the middle of his deep thoughts he got a call from his brother saying he won't be able to return back home, as he was going somewhere with his boyfriend Jungkook.

Namjoon agreed as he had trust in Jungkook. Sometimes Jungkook show up in their house to pick taehyung up for their dates and he knew the facts of Namjoon, hence Jungkook being a humble boy, never tried to interfere with joon's fears.

Namjoon heard loud knock on his door, he peeked through the door hole only to witness the divinely handsome man outside his door. Somehow he was covered with fresh wounds as if he just got into some accidents. Namjoon slowly opened the door and looked at the man outside. Hi, I'm Kim seokjin, I got into a car accident. The location is kind of urban so, I don't thought~
Oh, that's fine, here are no hospitals either. Namjoon cut the man in the middle as the man in front of him seemed really weak, as if he was gonna faint any moment if he speaks further more.
He welcomed the man inside ignoring the fear inside his heart out of the pity for the man. Why's your house in the middle of the forest. Seokjin asked, being confused out of joon's home location. Namjoon stayed silent and went to bring a medical kit.

He gently did first aid, Are you uncomfortable or do you need anything to eat? Namjoon asked. He wasn't sure about interacting with outsiders and on top of that, he was alone to deal with such shits without his brother.

Yeah, a glass of water will be okay, I guess,  seokjin said feeling something odd in Namjoon. He was handed a glass of water by namjoon, thanking him he quickly gulped down the whole glass. Thank you, I really needed that. Seokjin said. The weather outside is getting harsher and harsher by every passing second. It was almost impossible for seokjin to leave the house in such weather and not to forget, his condition was quite bad. You can stay here till you recover. I'll show you a room. Namjoon said avoiding the increasing tension between them.

He guided seokjin towards the guest room, uhm, you can stay here and if anything is needed, call me. My room is right beside yours. Namjoon said in a calm yet panicked voice.
You can call me Jin or Jin hyung since you seem younger than me. Seokjin said making Namjoon red out of embarrassment. He didn't even bother to introduce himself to Jin. I'm Namjoon, Kim Namjoon. Namjoon said making Jin awed at such a cute little embarrassed guy or such a pretty name of that embarrassed guy. Pretty but long, I'll call you Joon. Jin said looking straight into namjoon's eyes. He seemed straight forward, totally opposite of Namjoon.~

To be continued;

Agoraphobia; NamJinWhere stories live. Discover now