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Namjoon lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. He could hear Jin moving around in the guest room next door, each sound amplifying his anxiety. His mind raced with thoughts of his own inadequacy and fear of letting someone new into his life. He hadn’t had anyone but Taehyung in his home for years, and the presence of this stranger, even a kind one, felt overwhelming.

Morning light filtered through the curtains, and Namjoon finally drifted into a restless sleep. He awoke to the smell of food wafting through the house. Confused, he slipped out of bed and quietly made his way to the kitchen.

Jin was there, cooking breakfast. He looked up and smiled warmly when he saw Namjoon. Good morning, Joon. I hope you don’t mind. I found some ingredients and thought I’d make us breakfast.
Namjoon nodded, still half-asleep and feeling a bit awkward. No, it’s fine. Thank you.
As they sat down to eat, Jin observed Namjoon carefully. You seem like you haven’t slept well. Are you okay?

Namjoon hesitated, not used to discussing his feelings with anyone other than Taehyung. It’s just… I have trouble sleeping sometimes.
Jin nodded sympathetically. I understand. Sometimes, talking about it helps.
Namjoon looked down at his plate, pushing his food around with his fork. It’s more complicated than that, he mumbled.
Jin reached out and gently touched Namjoon’s hand. You don’t have to go through it alone, you know. I’m here, and I want to help.

Namjoon felt a lump in his throat. He wanted to believe Jin, but years of fear and isolation were not easily overcome. Thank you, Jin, he whispered, feeling a mix of gratitude and fear.
The day passed slowly. Jin stayed close, sensing Namjoon’s unease. They talked about small things, slowly building a fragile bond. Jin’s presence was calming, but Namjoon still felt the weight of his phobia pressing down on him.

The day was slowly rising to the peek, yet no sign of taehyung to return. Namjoon was panicking with the thoughts of spending another whole day with a stranger alone in his house without his brother. Jin was elegently sitted on the sofa, a movie was played. Joon, are you sure you're comfortable around me. Jin asked as he felt Namjoon is off somewhere. They were watching some random movie, trying to kill the time fast. Namjoon unwillingly nodded his head.

The loud knock echoed round the house, Daring to disturb their tensed moment. Namjoon was somehow relieved with the thoughts that his brother is back and slightly disturb with the thoughts that maybe another stranger was outside seeking help. Let me have a look, jin said trying to help Namjoon with something. Namjoon panicked and stood up, no no, I'll go, probably it's my brother. Namjoon said and went to open the door. He didn't forget to peek through the door hole to make sure who was outside his house trying to get inside. Fortunately, it was taehyung, carrying different bags in his hand, struggling to stand properly and on top of that trying to press the door bell again. Namjoon quickly opened the door, welcoming his brother by helping him to carry the stuffs that he was struggling to carry.

Hyung, miss me? Taehyung asked being all excited to see his lovely Hyung again. He surely missed him enough to squeal out of joy after seeing him. Of course, I missed you. You won't have missed me, being all lovely dovey with you boyfriend, you must have forgotten me. Namjoon joked around, trying to irritated his brother. Taehyung went towards living area while Namjoon went to kitchen to place the grocery stuffs. Who are you, how dare you come inside my house? Namjoon heard loud screams from the living area so he quickly went there to check the things around. He saw taehyung yelling at Jin, who was scared yet confused to see a stranger yelling at him without him realizing his own mistakes.

Taehyung, calm down. He's our guest. Namjoon said trying to stop taehyung from doing anything further. Taehyung's eyes wide opened as he heard the word guest. Was he dreaming? Probably, because his brother never accepted guests. He looked at Namjoon weirdly expecting an answer. He was injured from car accident so, I gave him shelter till he gets fine. Namjoon said leaving a shik-shak-shoked taehyung.

To be continued;

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