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Taehyung wasn't ready yet, ready to believe his brother accepted a guest for the very first time. Jin stood there, trying to show that he was no threat for them. I'm Jin, I had accident near you place so, I came here yesterday. Jin said trying to calm taehyung down. He's a good person tae, he even cooked breakfast for us. Namjoon added as if he was desperate to support Jin anyhow in anything. Taehyung slowly nodded digesting the fact that his brother having agoraphobia offered help to an complete outsider.

Taehyung was somehow happy to see his brother finally opening up for people who aren't him. He saw some glimpse of hope for namjoon's recovery. Probably, he'll be cured. Jin~ yes, Jin can cure him. Taehyung though. Being an extrovert person, taehyung didn't take much time to form a friendly bond with Jin. Jin was also enjoying the brothers company.

Jin hyung, tae's a doctor. Probably you should concern your wounds to him. Namjoon said and taehyung nodded in agreement. Taehyung checked Jin's wound before saying, it'll take a month for your recovery. Namjoon widened his eyes out of shock.

But how could he, he must have his family and what about his job? Namjoon said being all worried for his Jin hyung. Chill out Joon, I was actually here for one month vacation. I didn't even book any hotel though. Jin said being all cool as if he didn't even want to leave such a cutie and sweetheart of his; Namjoon. Oh okay.
Namjoon said turning into a fresh tomato out of embarrassment. The trio shared their life experience and Namjoon stood their having nothing to say. For the first time, he felt like he should get better. Probably he could get cured.

So Jin hyung, do you know Joon Hyung has agoraphobia? Taehyung said and Namjoon again turned into a fresh tomato out of embarrassment. Jin was shocked. He didn't even thought something like that, he thought probably, Joon wasn't good around people; an introvert. But clearly, things were totally different.

Eyh, that's why he was behavior weird around me. Jin said looking straight into namjoon's eyes who was trying hard to avoid Jin's gaze. Jin lightly took namjoon's hands in his before continuing, don't worry Joon, I'll help you to get over the phobia of yours. Jin said in a soft tone as if he was assuring Namjoon that everything will be fine. Namjoon was completely red, not because he was embarrassed but because something odd was happening with his heart. As if, someone is seductively touching and teasing his heart.

To be continued;~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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