Chapter 1

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It was a normal day like any other in the Jedi Temple on the planet Coruscant a young Padawan was kneeling before the council.

"By the right of the council, by the will of the force. Izuku, you may rise Jedi Knight." Jedi Master Mace Windu said, deactivating his lightsaber as Izuku rose to his feet.

"I've taught you all I could Izuku. You were very eager to train and learn." A hologram said to Izuku as he turned towards it.

"Thank you for everything Master Plo Koon." Izuku said, bowing to the hologram of the master he trained under.

"Now for your first mission. You are to meet with a new batch of clones and head towards the Kaller system and help Master DepaBillaba drive back the separatists." Mace Windu said to Izuku, making him smile.

"Yes, master." Izuku said and walked out of the council room.

'I'm finally a Jedi Knight that extra training with Master Cin Drallig before being assigned to Plo Koon really paid off.' Izuku thought to himself as he walked through the temple halls.

Izuku then walked into his room and grabbed his holocron, and saw four lightsabers.

"Man, I really was obsessed with different lightsaber designs. But the clone wars are ending. I should take these with me just in case." Izuku said as he grabbed the other five lightsabers.

"Now to get going." Izuku said as he left his room and made his way to the docking bay.

Izuku walked through the temple, remembering the day he set foot in the temple to begin his training. Izuku passed many rooms and stopped at the training room, where he spent most of his time. Izuku then started walking again and passed by more rooms and many other Jedi and Padawans. Izuku then finally made it to the loading bay, where he saw a new squadron of Clone Troopers.

"Hello, soldiers, my name is Izuku, and from today on, you'll be serving me. Our orders are to go to the Kaller system and help Master Depa Billaba drive back the separatists." Izuku said to clone as they listened intensely.

"Yes, General." The clones said in unison as they followed Izuku onto the star destroyer.

Once they were all inside the Star destroyer, Izuku made his way to the command deck. The ship took off and left the temple.

"Alright, let's enter Hyperspace." Izuku said as they entered spaced and activated the hyperdrive.

As they entered hyperspace, Izuku grabbed his chest in pain, confused because he never had any heart problems. Then he turned towards a clone and saw him pull out a communicator.

"Execute order 66." Someone on the communicator said, and Izuku just stared at the clone as he pointed his blaster at him.

"Stand down." Izuku ordered, but the clone didn't obey.

"Good soldiers follow orders." The clone said as Izuku activated his lightsaber and cut off the clones head.

Izuku then deactivated his lightsaber, shocked at what he had just done. He then ran out of the command deck and saw ten more Clone Troopers point their blasters at him. Izuku then activated his lightsaber again as the clones open fired he deflected all blaster fire and killed all ten clones.

"What's going on?" Izuku said as he ran back into the command deck and forced the whole ship out of hyperspace. He then ran out of the room with his holocron and five extra lightsabers. Izuku then saw a larger group of Clone Troopers and hid behind a wall.

"Where's the Jedi?" One of the Clones asked the other clones.

"Don't know all we know is we were pulled out of hyperspace." Another clone replied to his commanding officer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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