25] One Therapy Session

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"i'm fallin' so i'm taking my time on my ride"

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"i'm fallin' so i'm taking my time on my ride"

-ride by twenty one pilots

Mrs. Storms funeral was beautiful and I really wished Brynnlee wouldn't have missed it. I hadn't been to a funeral since Carter and I'm proud of myself for not chickening out.

I walked towards my moms car, my feet pounding through the wet grass. It was 10:23 in the morning and there was still morning dew on the grass. I opened the car door and fidgeted with the rings on my fingers. My mom's door opened, startling me slightly.

"Sorry!" My mom apologized.

"It's okay,"

She took a seat and buckled in her seatbelt, she pressed the START button of the car.

"Honey, I've been wanting to talk to you about something," My mom went on.

"Okay..." I let her continue.

"It's about Carter, is that alright?"

I visibly tensed up. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"I noticed that with Brynnlee in the hospital and all this funeral stuff, it's really affecting your mental health,"

"Oh." I muttered.

"I'm going to make a suggestion and it's totally fine if you decline it. I'm suggesting one therapy session,"

I blinked. Therapy? Again?

"I know you're thinking, 'Therapy? Again?' and I just want to say it might help even more now that you're older. We can keep going to the same one or go to a new one,"

I stayed silent for a moment while I bounced my knee.

"I—um—I'm not sure," I murmured.

"That's okay," She said softly.

"Yeah, it might help again, but I dunno yet," I added.

"I'm here for you, baby." She put her hand on my shoulder. "Do you want to go back to the hospital or go home?"

"Go home," I muttered.

"Okay," She laughed as we continued our drive back into the Valley.

It's day two. Brynnlee has been in a coma for two days. She had a seizure yesterday which set her recovery back a few days. They removed her breathing tube since after the seizure she could breathe on her own.

"Nirvana, go home," Mrs. Cameron smiled softly at me.

I shook my head. I wasn't going to leave her side no matter what. I wanted to be here when she woke up. I wanted to be one of the first faces she saw, so she knows I care about her. I've treated her like a piece of shit, teasing her and stuff. I was an asshole.

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