Chapter One

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'So, that's it on the tour of the Avengers Tower. What do you think?'


'Natasha, You're my heart, no matter where life takes us, now I'll be in yours.'

Last line has you locking your phone and then throwing it across the room to land on your desk chair, muttering to yourself, "Fucking fanfiction."

"Y/n! Get your ass up!"

Your eyes burn as you glance over at your nightstand, the digital clock blaring just after six, and you groan, throwing the blanket over your head in protest as another shout is heard from the other side of the door.

"We're leaving in five minutes!"

You groan louder, forcing yourself to slip out of bed and just nearly stopping yourself from hitting the floor. With your eyes half closed, fantasizing about later when you'll get back, take a warm shower and then crawl into bed to sleep for days – hey, it's a fantasy – you change into some clothes, trying not to cry as you hook your personal knives to your thigh strap. You're so exhausted and now you have to fucking act like your legs aren't going to give out before you get downstairs. You grab your phone on the way out, unlocking it to really give the author a piece of your mind while your heart sits broken, having grown attached to the character that's supposed to be you but felt like a close friend finally finding happiness, quickly adding at the end of your rant that you enjoyed the story. Fuck them though.

You keep the little orange app tucked away in a category labelled 'extras' where you threw all those apps your phone won't let you delete but you never use, keeping it hidden in case anyone was to browse your phone. You're not really ashamed of reading fanfiction, that's the same as reading any other story to you, but the fact that you read specific ones about the woman who sleeps two floors below you that hates you? Yeah, you'll tuck that app away and never talk about it with anyone. Guilty pleasure of sorts. But you honestly appreciated the lack of sexy times in those books because you'd feel kind of gross for reading that stuff when it came to someone you knew.

The ride on the jet is quiet – nobody loves being up this early, but if you all didn't move now, you'd miss the hydra plants and well, nobody loves that even more than – you get it.

"Dropping in a minute." Tony calls out monotonously and you sigh, strapping your wrists and avoiding the glare the redhead is currently sending you from across the way.

You fucking died to save a bunch of people, her, and your guys' child last night, she could at least not act like she hates your guts right now. The audacity of her not knowing what fanfiction you went through. Honestly.

The door opens and you stroll down the platform as the strong wind gusts around you, the others still strapped into their seats – Natasha among other agents – before you step off the edge, free falling into the air.

You enjoy this part nearly as much as kicking criminal ass, but it's so fucking hard to enjoy it when you should be sound asleep after sobbing violently over fake you. She went through so fucking much with the Shadow and everything after that just kept coming for her – she had no peace in her short life, ugh, and then they celebrated that anniversary. Oh my god, that was cute and nice, but then bam. Awfulness. She lost her family thrice! Good lawd.

Oh, right, the mission.

You landed semi-gracefully, before blasting a bolt of electricity towards the base, blacking out the entire building, but you just weren't feeling it.

"Good to go, Stark," You called over the radio in your ear, "Entering the building now."

You pulled the handle, the door coming with the force of your strength, and you threw it aside before clapping your hands, a blue and white glow surrounding your entire being as you stepped inside, letting the place light up with the firepower of the hydra keepers.

A bit of background while you send these assclowns back to their makers.

You've been living at the Avengers Tower for three years in a world that is still slowly healing from the snap. Tony isn't the same person he was before Thanos (for those residing under a rock, picture if said rock fucked one ugly ass purple grape and gave that demon baby a ballsac chin and then proved to everybody that there is such a thing as too tall) fucked everything up, but he's alive and working mostly behind the scenes on missions (Tony, not ballsac baby). He's technically retired, but he still funds everything and makes it look cooler.

After SHIELD fell, Hydra was forced into the light and there are subgroups that have been formed – copycats of the hydra mission in a way – and some, like the ones Sam and Bucky took on, that just want life back to how it was during those five years, are willing to go to great lengths to get what they had back. Thelma and Louise are still working on that, but there's always more threats out there that need the same amount of attention or more.

Hydra plants are places that have been corrupted by those snake ass (not Loki, we cherish that greasy diva) bitches, turning them into machines and weapons and bases, etc etc. Hydra keepers are mostly what you'd think – guards who keep and maintain the plants, but since this is all new and Kevin Feige is rolling over in his grave right now (RIP a legend), there'll probably be some new information dropped in this tale of wildness about the plants and keepers. Try to keep up. Heh. Not even sorry about that one.

And obviously, Natasha Romanoff is alive. Right. So. It's not overly complicated, but it kind of is. Look, the whole ordeal of what went down will be given away as we go, but for now, you just need to know that she's fully herself. And she fully hates you.

Oh, and also, you sort of, kind of, volunteered to be the guinea pig of one of Stark's last experiments, under the watchful eye of Bruce and his cousin, and it made you...well, you're one hell of a petri dish, that's for sure. But let's focus on the dish part because you are one tasty looking mother fucker, and you could tell they all hesitated going through with the tests because they were worried it would damage your gorgeous. Spoiler alert, it didn't. So, anyone who knows you, would definitely say you're wasting your time pining over the one woman who doesn't want you when you're living in a world full of males, theys, and gays that would drop to their knees if you simply batted your eyelashes. You hot piece of ass, you.

Thing is, you want the one who glares at you like she wants to tear you apart with her teeth. The other, more shallow thing is, she's not just pretty. No, she happens to be otherworldly and vaguely threatening. You have to physically restrain yourself sometimes in her presence.

Of course. Of fucking course you have to be into the one person on your side that would absolutely love to see you buried in the ground. You might as well go for one of those assholes who-

"Esqueeze you," You huff, entirely offended, when one of them shoots something new that grazes your lining, leaving behind a burn on the side of your arm, "Do you mind?" You grab his gun, melting it all over his arm as he cries out in agony and you don't break eye contact, "Kind of having an inner monologue moment here, buddy."

He drops to the ground, the melted weapon seeping into his pores and over to his neck, slicing it right off, so you kick it like a soccer ball, hitting another guy, and continuing on.

As you were saying.

It's funny, how this all started. It truly is a ha-ha moment for the grandchildren to hear about – that is, if the angry Russian assassin ever pulls her head out of her own ass and puts a baby in your – er, not your ass, but like. It's nearby, you suppose. Gross. You want her babies, is the point. Obviously. But yeah. How this started will probably weird you out a bit, confuse you a lot, and make you smile because let's all just be honest, shall we? The ride is way better than any funky plot or some anticlimactic ending. Mmk?

Let's do this, you silly little gays!

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