coming out! part 1

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bradley pov:

todays the day I come out to my parents and tell them max is my boyfriend. I'm so nervous oh my god. my dad doesn't really talk about that stuff but my mom is very supportive. max and me were getting ready and we went to my parents house. I rang the doorbell and we went inside.

my mother martha, ran up and gave me a hug. "oh my! how are you my baby boy?" she hugged me tightly. I chucked and hugged her back "haha im fine ma" I say. she smiled and my dad walked in. he gave me a pat on the back. "well I haven't seen you in ages son. you look like a good man exactly how me and your ma raised you" he said as he patted my back again. his eyes went towards max. "who's this?" he asks. "oh that's max. he's my boyfriend." there's no turning back now.

"oh how sweet!" my mom gives max a hug. max hugs her back and says "oh nice to meet to you ma'am" he smiles. "what a handsome young man! you can call me martha, dear" she smiles back. I smile at the sight of them getting along then I turn to my father. "martha how could you support this?" my dad says angrily and he grabs my mom by the arm away from max. "get away from these f@ggots! this is no son of mine, I never raised you to be like this, you dishonored the uppercrust name!" he yelled at me. max stood next to me and said "uh sir I mean no disrespect but-" he gets cut off by my dad slapping him when max took a small step. he fell the the floor.

I help max get up and hug him. "shit max are you okay?" I say holding his face with my palm. he nodded. I go up to my dad, "you can insult me, you can even hit me for all I care but you will not hit my boyfriend like that. do that again and I won't hesitate to call the cops or even handle you myself." I hold max's hand and go to the doorway and turn around to face my mother with tears "and mom. don't waste your time with a man like this. you deserve so much better." as me and max hold hands we leave the residence. I can't believe this just happened.
there's gonna be a part 2 of this

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