stay, please

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jigsaw falling into place - radiohead 


Walking the endless corridors of Hogwarts did Olivia more harm than good. She would have thought that being back here, with the coldness of the stone, the lights that play with the arches and the impression of grandeur would make the moment less complicated. If only.

Leaning against a trunk, she plays with her black veil between her long fingers. The wind blows by the lake and lifts the few strands of hair falling from her pulled bun. She hadn't seen her mourning veil since Rose's funeral. She thought she would never see it again. At least she hoped.

A little further on, Remus helps Minerva line up the last chairs near the dark water of the lake. More people came to Dumbledor's funeral than expected.

The Ministry officials are already seated at the front, as well as the members of the Order. Remus sees the students arriving by the dozen and steps aside, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

The weather seems rebellious and the sun shines as if chasing away sadness with its rays.

He turns and sees Olivia walking up the aisle, the black lace hiding her face. He can only see her red lips. Always.

Once she reaches him, he grabs her hand and squeezes it tightly. They end up sitting in the back row.

As the ceremony begins, the speeches follow one another, tears streaming down the cheeks, the white handkerchiefs contrasting with the crowd dressed in black. Like doves among crows.

Remus looks at Olivia. He puts his hand on her thigh which doesn't seem to want to stop trembling. Under his hand he feels her muscles relax.

Dumbledor is gone.

Remus has been trying to keep his cool for the past few days but the truth is he feels himself sinking. The Ministry is threatening to collapse, Snape has betrayed them, they have lost Dumbledor. The hope of victory is growing slimmer and thinner.

His eyes land on Harry in the front row, his tears sliding down his cheeks. He is probably the last thing he can link to his father, now that Sirius is gone. He would have to help him no matter what comes next.

In this world that is sinking into the greatest darkness, there is only one light left.


He promised to stay by her side. She has remained since the beginning. She never left him. At Hogwarts, at 12 Grimmauld Place.

He knows that as soon as he feels himself collapsing, the depth of her piercing gaze and the warmth of her presence are there to catch him.

But for the first time, he is not sure he can keep his promise for much longer.

A salty pearl rolls down his cheek and lands on Olivia's hand, placed on his. She raises her head instantly and meets his gaze.

He feels her fingers squeeze his hand and reads in her eyes the promise of a future. But it would have to wait just a little longer.

He narrows his eyes and returns his attention to the huge white table that sits where Dumbledor's body used to be.

He has to tell her.


After the ceremony, Olivia greets the Weasleys and joins Remus, sitting near the edge of the lake. She sits down next to him. Their legs touch, almost shyly.

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