Chapter 1

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I watch as my phone finally stops ringing. Lil Mac, my producer has benn calling me for past 15 minutes but I can bring myself up to asnwer him. I know what he wants to say. Its about the views and plays falling off, we are loosing our fans. I knew this would happen one day but it took an drastic turn when some girl called Jojo decided to release a new song. People started going wild over it. When the phone starts ringing again I pick it up.
"What is it Mac?" I almost yell out.
"Finally you answerd," she sighs with relief "I've benn trying to contact you for past fifteen minutes, I started worrying".
"Well I was just ignoring you," I grin.
"Great, well I have news for you," I hear dissapointment in her voice. " The song 'Karma' hit 3 billion plays!!" she yells into my ear. No way, 3 billion?!? This Karma girl is atcually blowing up.
"Well what am I supposed to do with that information??" I try to play cool but in my head im going crazy! I will have to release a new song If Im planing on having a future.
"We have to do something about it," Lil Mac says through the phone, her voice calmer this time "And I got an great idea"
"Should I be scared" I sigh.
"No dont worry, Its not really my idea, Its more of...well yours and Jojos fans idea!" Oh god. What now.
"Since when are we listening to our fans?" I ask her.
"Since today!"
I end the call. I look around, Im sitting on a small bench in the pink forest. I always go here when I need time to think. It calms my head down. The trees are like my best friends, they talk to me. They give me ideas and comfort me in hard situations. Right now, they are quiet. Waiting for me to ask them for help. But I wont. I dont give up so easily.
I call Lil Mac again.
"So whats the plan?" I ask.

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